380 video tutorials that you can re-sell!

Aaron Danker:
100% Done For YouHosted Reseller Membershipwith Funnel Fusion Integration!

If you’re looking to get your hands on a highly profitable DONE FOR YOU membership site that is packed with over 380 video tutorials that you canre-sell as many times as you want toy our own customers then this is it …

The Newbie Sales Machine is a turn-keymembership site that lets you re-sellhighly valuable and sought aftertraining videos that every beginnerneeds.
Not only that but it INSTANTLYpositions your as a list builder,independent product owner and superaffiliate all in one … without havingto spend YEARS building your business!
Here’s 7 very good reasons you shouldstrongly consider this system …

REASON # 1 – Quality Evergreen Product
You’ll be selling your own membershipproduct packed with over 380 trainingvideos for just $ 19.95 and upsell morevideos for $ 17 more. The sales video,content description, layout,testimonials, upsell and mobileoptimized site have all bestrategically created to ensure youmake sales all year round.

REASON # 2 – Unique Reseller Link
You get your own personalized resellerlink that you send your customersthrough after they’ve purchased yourmembership. This link is unique to youand link will tag your customers withyour ClickBank ID, JVZoo ID and ZaxaaID for life in preparation for the bigsales.

REASON # 3 – Back-End CommissionGenerator
– You get full integration with ourhighly profitable sales funnel packedwith over $ 2000 worth of high-ticketproducts and services. You’ll earn 50%on all big ticket sales without havingto do anything else,

REASON # 4 – Future Launch Commissions
– You’ll earn commissions on all futureproduct launches we develop in thefuture! As we send out promotion emailsto you customers, you’ll be the one whogets credited for the sales withoutlifting a finger.

REASON # 5 – Expert Positioning System
You’re positioning yourself as theexpert without actually creating aproduct or knowing anything about it!Although it helps to know what you’reselling, a simple banner or text linkon your blog, article, email and forumsignatures, videos or social mediaposts will attract the right people andget them to buy.

REASON # 6 – One-Click Payment ButtonGenerator
You’ll get access to a simple and easyto use PayPal button creator so you cancreate fully working payment buttonsthat will redirect customers through toyour reseller link with just a click!More speed, less setup time and moretime making sales!

REASON # 7 – Hands-Free Updates For Life
Because the membership content ishosted for you, it means you’ll neverhave to update your product ever again!You can rest assure that you’ll beselling a quality product that yourcustomers will love!
This is one powerful and unique systemthat will ensure you make sales longterm especially with the partnershipsetup.
NO need to create a product from scratch …NO need to create an upsell …NO need to create a membership site …NO need to create high-ticket backend offers …NO need to write a 50-part email series …
It’s all DONE for you. Make your first$ 19.95 sale with this system – if notit’s free.


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