Garry Desmarais 

Step 9:.How to release a paid digital
product that actually makes money…

One of the fastest most effective ways
to do that is to find people who
already have a following in your niche.  

These are influencers. 

Generally they have big email lists of
people who listen to what they have to

It’s exactly what you are trying to

So reach out to these
influencers and offer
them an affiliate commission if they
would promote your product. 

How much? 

I would say no less than 50%
all the way to 100%. 75% is
usually a happy compromise. 

The emails
are the number 1 priority here. 

Profit is secondary with a product

Both are important but once you
have acquired the emails you can send
that email traffic to future offers. 

As you can see, affiliate traffic can
be expensive, but it is very effective. How do you find them? 

Many people who launch digital products
run affiliate contests. 

Check those contests on WarriorPlus and

Reach out to
those contest leader board rankers. 

Friend request them on Facebook
and work on building a relationship
with them before you launch a product. 

to be continued

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