Internet Marketing –Getting enough fibre?

Improving my internet access led me
to vacuuming the inside of my desktop’
This should be repeated every
six months
to avoid fire risk and a
reduction in performance.
The second step was to replace my
ancient wifi box and its router
. That
increased the strength and
dramatically reduced the loss of signal
from my internet service provider.
I found an article in the Daily Mail (UK)
Tired of slow internet- Here’s how to
get up to speed with the best and
fastest fibre broadband deals
Fibre optic broadband is the answer
to faster speeds for many. The price
is going down while speeds are going
How fibre optic works 
Traditional copper telephone wires are
replaced with a network of fibre optic
cable. If you cut open one of these
cables you will see it is crammed with
thin glass strands coated in plastic.
These strands act like mirrors,
enabling digital data to be pulsed
along them at superfast speeds, using
infrared laser light.
Unlike broadband
based on copper wires
– known as ADSL broadband –
the fibre optic signal does
not degrade the further it travels.
You do not need to live next door to a
telephone exchange
to get the fastest speeds.
But not all fibre optic broadband uses
fibre optic cables for the entire
connection, with old style cables used
for the ‘last leg’ right into a
property. This can make a big
difference to speed.
Connections will either be classed as
FTTC (fibre to the cabinet) or
FTTP/FTTH (fibre to the premises/home).
As the name suggests, the fibre to
premises connections use fibre all the
way from the telephone exchange into a
home or office.
Fibre to cabinet connections end at the
local telecoms cabinet – the green box
at the end of a street – with a
standard copper telephone wire
providing the final connection to a
Only a small number of providers offer
the full connections and even then only
in certain areas. Virgin Media also
operates a part-fibre arrangement where
the last leg from the cabinet to the
premises is provided via a coaxial
cable rather than a copper wire.
Full fibre property connections offer
the quickest speeds, but are less
widely available.
They can appeal
because it allows customers to ditch
their landline, while the cabinet
version means they still keep a
traditional phone.’
I pass this on without having used it.
Elsewhere, you will hear that the
loading speed of your website can be
improved by this, or that.
So, when somebody clicks your site, or
some item on it, they will quickly see
the site or item.
As you have in independent host for
your site, its loading speed
depends on that host,
not own your system.
For customers, your own system
does not matter. It is only you
who will enjoy a higher speed.
If this is on offer where you are and
your internet speed is less than you
want, remember
‘Connections will either be classed as
FTTC (fibre to the cabinet) or
FTTP/FTTH (fibre to the
to make an informed decision.
always, professional technical advice
is recommended.
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Please read it, click here:
Dean Holland
This free video gives you the chance to
learn from the master.
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Omar Martin is one of the best
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Enjoy this FREE video of
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Omar’s IM Clinic
Devon Brown runs the Web Copy Cat
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My guest post on 3 top IM blogs: 

Scams and Limited Markets

John Thornhill, Dave Nicholson and 
Michael Cheney:
Please ask your friends to sign up for
this letter at
Thank you.

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