Internet Marketing – Hurry, just nine seats left!

How travel websites bully us into
booking online by suggesting deals
might soon sell out
•    Study shows sites using psychological
tricks in sales
•    Messages like ‘Hurry, only 3 seats
left’ led to a 4.7 per cent increase in
•    An average 9.5 rating from
    2,000 reviewers bumped chances
    by 36.3 per cent
Travel websites are boosting profits by
using psychological tricks to sell
expensive hotels, flights and
insurance, academics have revealed.
Their mind games include bombarding
customers with messages such as
‘Hurry only nine seats left’,
‘12 other people
are looking at this’ or ‘
40 people have
already booked this’.
Experiments carried out at University
College London (UCL) found
such phrases significantly
increase bookings and profits.
They also allow the websites to sell
deals that might be
more expensive than
direct bookings with hotels, airlines
or insurers.

Hurry, only a few seats left: Such
messages on a site led to a 4.7 per
cent increase in bookings compared to
no message at all 
The phrases pressure potential
customers by suggesting a deal might
soon be sold out, or exploit so-called
‘herd mentality’ by saying that others
have already booked.
Reviews were found to be particularly
in encouraging bookings and
even more effective than a promise
of a price cut.
UCL’s research involved online
experiments with 1,251 volunteers.
Tests measured their reactions to
website deals on flights, hotels and
travel insurance.
The message ‘Hurry only 3 seats left’
on a site led to a 4.7 per cent
increase in bookings compared to no
message at all.
There was a 9.4 per
cent rise in bookings after the prompt
‘12 other people are looking at this’.
The increase was higher still at 13.8
per cent when volunteers were told that
‘40 people have already booked this’.

An average rating of 9.5 from more than
2,000 reviewers led to a 36.3 per cent
increase in bookings compared to when
no reviews were offered. 
The UCL team also measured the impact
of discounts. Bookings were 8.9 per
cent lower when the price listed did
not have a ‘20 per cent discount’ sign.
Positive reviews for a hotel also
notably boosted reservations.
An average rating of 9.5 from more than
2,000 reviewers led to a 36.3 per cent
increase in bookings compared to when
no reviews were offered.
Almost half of those surveyed said they
were persuaded to book after reading
the positive reviews.
Dr Gladstone, who specialises in
consumer behaviour, said the human
instinct to follow the herd is
understandable. But he warned that
customers can end up paying more than
if they shop around.
He said: ‘Our brains have evolved to
respond in these ways for good reasons:
copying the herd helps us make quick
decisions and can be a very sensible
thing to do if we do not have time to
make an independent decision under
‘But these ways of thinking can
sometimes lead us astray – or allow us
to be led astray.
Consumers are
bombarded with these kinds of marketing
tactics every time we go online and the
study clearly shows that they work –
when unsure, we simply follow the
person ahead of us, even if it’s not a
good deal.’
Apurva Pratap said: ‘Persuasive tactics
often mean travellers are stretching
their purse strings more than they have
to.’ Daily Mail 29 July 2017 

If you missed it:

(These are not tactics, just facts!)
Check it out NOW!
A new product from Omar Martin
is our theme for this week.
It is already product of the day

on JVZoo.

I bought it with the first upsell (oto
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This is how an expert runs his
I had a sneak peak behind the scenes
at this earlier in the week and if I
had to describe
Rapid Profit System in
3 words it would be:
Not only is this proven to work over
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Rush over and check this thing out
ASAP, because this is HOT:
To Your Success,
P.S. – This is a time sensitive launch
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so there’s no time to dilly dally.

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Silvia at IFRSbox.
If you are in finance and not on her
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Dean Holland
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Click here
Devon Brown runs the Web Copy Cat
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Web Copy Cat
Click here NOW:
From yesterday, in case you missed it
John Thornhill’s
Product Creation Workshop
Click here:

is a recording of the complete building
of products from nothing over
eight one-hour videos .
It complements his longer one-year
course, adding more than enough
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It is currently at 90% discount.
I have assembled a $1,750 bonus
package for you if you buy 
Here is a page of information
about John Thornhill’s
invite-only webinar. Please read it:
View John Thornhill’s
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My guest post on 3 top IM blogs: 

Scams and Limited Markets

John Thornhill, Dave Nicholson and 
Michael Cheney:
Please ask your friends to sign up for
this letter at
Thank you.

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