Internet Marketing – You have a voice – use it!

In summary, your voice is better than a robot’s
(unless you are selling to other robots!).
Randy Smith reviews robot voices:

NOPE… Not happy to promote that!

I’m sure you’ve seen the emails and bonuses people
are raving about using Amazon Polly AI to do voice

The pitch sounds great – Paste in your text and click
a button, and hey presto, You have a choice of
“47 lifelike voices in 24 languages!”SOUNDS FANTASTIC!
So I popped along to the salespage, and watched the sales

WOW – I thought to myself!
If this is what the software does, I’m Impressed!
Cos Hey – this guy’s team has out some great software out
And I know this isn’t HIS voice, so maybe it’s the
software he’s selling?

NOT A CHANCE… It’s a paid Voice Over Professional!
telling us that the software has these 47 LIFE LIKE Voices
to read our scripts??

SO WHY NOT USE THE SOFTWARE on your salespage then?
If they’re so LIFELIKE – why pay a professional?

A little more scrolling, and I realise why they didn’t 
use their own software.


The SAMPLES on the page are kept SO SHORT, it would be
hard to be sure…

But click a few of them and listen, there are NO HUMAN 

Sounding tone changes, inflections, volume alteration etc.
They’re just OBVIOUSLY not human, and 4 seconds is about
as much as I could stand!Had they created a real demo – I reckon everyone would 
have clicked close!

So NOPE – I will NEVER use a robot voice.

I do not want my
visitors feeling bored, sleepy,
or generally annoyed that I was too
lazy to record my video,
or pay a voice over artist to read
my script in a Human style.IF you want to check it out, here’s their page.
But do listen to the Demo clips, and see why I DO NOT LIKE IT!

In case you missed this:

I have a request :

Please make time to view this
free webinar from my mentor,
John Thornhill:

Product Creation Workshop

Please make time to watch this!

(More of Mark!)
Better pricing = higher profits 
If you have a service business, you can
earn much more from this series.
Also, Mark runs a programme called
Price Consulting, and he teaches
accountants/bookkeepers how to help
their customers with their pricing. 
Thank you for the positive response to
posts on this topic and the action taken.
Please tell your friends!
Those links again:
The complete guide to menu pricing – NEW!
(video training programme)
Effective Pricing for Accountants (book)
How to build a successful bookkeeping
business (book)
How to build a successful bookkeeping
business (video training programme)
The Value Pricing System
Grab them NOW and claim the true income
that you earn!
Price accounting and consulting
services more profitably!
Silvia at IFRSbox.
If you are in finance and not on her
FREE list (WHY NOT?):


Use mine free as often as you want!
Over 53% of ALL emails are now opened
on mobile devices, so if your emails
are not optimized for mobile devices,
then you’re missing out
BIG TIME and at
WordWrap is a wonderfully-simple FREE
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on the page:
Use mine free as often as you want!

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