Internet Marketing – 7 Simple Ways To Explode Your Ebook Sales In 24 Hours! – 1

Garry Desmarais (Canada):

You can often dramatically increase
your E-Book sales
by making a few minor adjustments to
your sales page.

Here are 7 ways to increase your E-Book

(1) Make sure your ‘Order’ link appears
at least 3 times on your sales page. 

(2) If your link currently says
‘Order!’, change it
to ‘Order via Secure SSL Server‘ (if
that is the case).

I made this change about a month
ago, and I
noticed an immediate increase in sales.

(3) Offer a money-back guarantee that
makes it clear thatyou don’t mind refunding purchases. 

(4) Add a ‘guarantee’ logo or icon to
your sales page. You can find a variety of
‘guarantee’ graphics at Google Images: ‘guarantee’ into the search box.
Google will return multiple pages of ‘guarantee
(Before placing one of these graphics
on your website, make sure it is notcovered by copyright). 

To be continued……

John Thornhill’s Partnership to Success
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