Internet Marketing – less than the price of a Gourmet Pizza!! – 2

Offline Webinar Formula 2.0
Six Module Course with 25-Video Lessons
Anthony Flatt:

You’re about to discover how to start
successfully using one of the most
powerful marketing tools available to
attract more customers.

I ran an email
campaign for webinars to a tiny list of
800 potential customers, and the
results were 1400 webinar registrations
and nine sold-out webinars.

These webinars generated over $1 million in

There are two big misconceptions I hear
all the time.

One, webinars don’t work,
and two webinars are dead.

Many people
think webinars don’t work because they
haven’t been taught how to properly
structure and run a webinar.

They just wing it making many,many mistakes.

The other misconception is that webinars
are dead and that can’t be further from
the truth.

Did you know that webinars are the

highest converting digital medium with

sales rates between 10 and 20%?

So, for every 100 webinar
attendees, 10 to 20 of them will
eventually buy from you.

That is like
adding 10 to 20 new prequalified leads
to your sales funnel each week by doing
a Webinar with just 100 attendees.

Now multiply that by two, three, four or
even 10 and that’s a lot of
pre-qualified leads.

This gets me super
excited because 68% of the companies
out there report that they struggle
with lead generation. 

So, if webinars are so great, why
aren’t more people using webinars to
sell products and services and build
huge lists?

Why are the ones using
webinars continuing to use the same old
tired methods that don’t even work that
well anymore?

Well, I’ll tell you, they
just don’t know what they don’t know.
The way most people are doing webinars
today just doesn’t work.

To be continued….

Click here and see for yourself:

John Thornhill’s Partnership to Success
Product Creation Workshop

Please make time to watch this!

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