Internet Marketing – less than the price of a Gourmet Pizza!! – Sunday -Last chance

Offline Webinar Formula 2.0
Six Module Course with 25-Video Lessons

Anthony Flatt:

Here’s what you get inside the offline
Webinar Formula 2.0 Six-Module System: 

There are 25 video lessons that include
a seven video step-by-step case study
of exactly how I do webinars
, plus
additional lessons on each step in the

It also contains 25 audios, a 145-page
ebook and the ability to download
everything to your computer,
smartphone, or tablet. 

Also included is a resource Rolodex
with all of my favorite webinar tools,
everything that I’m doing today,
webinars scripts, and checklist are
included too!

You get all of this totaling over $700
in value, for less than the price of a
gourmet pizza
and it comes with a no
questions asked money back guarantee. 

So Click the “Get Instant Access”
button below to get started today

Here is just some of what you’ll learn:

•    How do you use your Webinar to make
your customer want to buy from you
without hitting them over the head with
buy, buy, buy? 

•    What is the number one thing that
everyone else is doing that you should
absolutely avoid doing? 

•    What are the three things your
webinar must get your customer to do? 

•    How do you get your customer to buy
from you even if you don’t give them a
sales pitch?

•     How do you do lunch and learns and
get the good housekeeping seal of
approval from your high-ticket offline

•    How did Microsoft, Cisco, and a
20-year-old picture frame give me the
idea for the Ultimate Webinar Bribe?

•    Why will you make more money on your
webinars if they’re 100% pitch free and
ways to get your customer to buy even
if you’re not pitching them anything? 

•    My secret research chunking method
that makes doing research painless and
builds your webinar presentation in a
fraction of the time

•    The fastest way to create webinar
content without outsourcing it. Even if
you are useless at writing as I am

•    The exact amount of time that your
webinar should last and the opening and
closing, you should use 

•    A call to action that will keep your
webinar attendees on the Webinar to the
very end, and it costs you almost nothing

•    How to turn your webinars into a
product and use it as an ongoing lead

•    A bribe idea I accidentally stumbled
on in the corporate world that works
like gangbusters to get people to sign
up for your Webinar and no, I’m not
talking about a free report. I’m pretty
sure you haven’t heard about this type
of bribe before. 

•    A sneaky trick that I use to get
someone else to ship out my Bribes and
they even gladly pay for the shipping

•    A step you must include in your
webinar registration that will prevent
your competitors from spying on your
Webinar and stealing your webinar

•    How not letting prospects on your
Webinar will increase the number of
attendees and how it has them begging
to attend your future webinars. 

•    Why you can’t solely rely on email
for follow-up after the Webinar. 

•    Three ways to send out your webinar
invitation in addition to email that
significantly increases the number of

•    How to send email invitations if you
don’t even have a list? 

•    My story of how a 26-ounce
porterhouse steak led to an, I’m not a
never-ending supply of leads. 

•    My puppy dog sale method that gets
nine out of 10 prospects to buy an
offline triple play followup sequence
that nobody’s even talking about

•    Nine must-have tools that you use
every day to create webinars and make
money from them. 

•    The secret tool that I use to get my
webinars transcribed for pennies a

•    And so much more

So, Click the button below and within
minutes you will have access to
everything inside the member’s area:


John Thornhill’s Partnership to Success
Product Creation Workshop

Please make time to watch this!

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