Internet Marketing – Don’t be a Traffic Generation Dummy!

Traffic Generation Club

John Thornhill:

A few weeks ago there was a guy in
a Facebook group complaining about
not getting enough traffic into his

It seems he’d try something
new, maybe get some traffic for a
while, but then it would drop off

He’d been trying to make a go of
this whole online marketing thing
for at least a year now. His wife
was starting to nag him about all
the time he spent online with
nothing to show for it. He hated
his job and wanted to quit.

Then I saw someone hand him the
keys to his freedom, a FREE
membership into the Traffic
Generation Club.

This is a site
that lays out the BEST traffic
methods and tells you exactly how
to use them to start bringing in
more traffic (and more money).

This guy’s troubles were over.

Or at least I thought they were.

So what happened?

I saw him again recently, still
complaining about not getting
enough traffic. He wasn’t asking
for advice – he was just ranting
about how nothing works.

And yeah, he still hated his job.
His wife was still nagging him. And
he was still wasting time and money
on a traffic strategy that didn’t

But what about the Traffic
Generation Club membership? Didn’t
that help him?

Turns out he didn’t even use it. In
fact, he never even clicked on the

You know why?

Because this was a ‘do it yourself’
kind of guy who thinks it’s
cheating if you ask for help.

His wife
was starting to nag him about all
the time he spent online with
nothing to show for it. He hated
his job and wanted to quit.

Then I saw someone hand him the
keys to his freedom, a FREE
membership into the Traffic
Generation Club. This is a site
that lays out the BEST traffic
methods and tells you exactly how
to use them to start bringing in
more traffic (and more money).

This guy’s troubles were over.

Or at least I thought they were.

So what happened?

I saw him again recently, still
complaining about not getting
enough traffic. He wasn’t asking
for advice – he was just ranting
about how nothing works.

And yeah, he still hated his job.
His wife was still nagging him. And
he was still wasting time and money
on a traffic strategy that didn’t

But what about the Traffic
Generation Club membership? Didn’t
that help him?

Turns out he didn’t even use it. In
fact, he never even clicked on the

You know why?

Because this was a ‘do it yourself’
kind of guy who thinks it’s
cheating if you ask for help.

I mean this guy does his own oil
changes on his car, fixes his own
lawnmower, and cracks the case on
his computer when he needs to swap
out a hard drive.

He’d never ask for help with any of
those things, so he wasn’t about to
ask for help with his online

Do you know what that’s called?
Dumb, dumb, dumb. (STUPID!)

Why waste years and thousands of
dollars trying to figure it all out
yourself, when you can have a
proven strategy delivered on a
silver platter?

Don’t make a dumb move like that
guy. If you want more traffic, then
grab yourself an unfair advantage
by getting your

FREE membership now
at The Traffic Generation Club.

Trust me, you’ll be glad you did.

Traffic Generation Club

P.S.  You can be stubborn and try
to figure all this online marketing
stuff out yourself, but in a year
from now you won’t be any better
off. Or you can get the help you
need right now and discover the
best traffic methods at:

Traffic Generation Club

P.S. Hurry, this free offer may end
at any time, so get in now while
you still can.
Make the smart decision – join the
club now.

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