Internet Marketing – High impact productivity hacks – 1

Gabor Hosszu: 
How to get more out of your
action plan

A solid action plan is a good
foundation for a productive life.

Making a list of tasks is an excellent
way to keep track of what
you have done so far, and what is left.

If you don’t make action
plans regularly or you just want to
improve this guide is here
to help.

The goal of this chapter is to offer
easy to use steps to come
up with a bullet-proof action plan or
help you develop a
more efficient way of doing one.

Action plans are awesome. Since the day
I started
implementing them into my own life I
started to feel their power.

To simply put it I was able to
do more every day.

Later on, I tried to improve the way

I make these action plans and
checked the results.

It wasn’t only about how much

I achieved every day, but the way

I felt during the execution of my plan.
You’ll be surprised how little changes
can adjust the way you
think about your tasks.

First of all,
let’s talk about why you
should make an action plan.

An action plan is a great tool to
collect and schedule all the
necessary steps you’ll have to take.

We believe, that it is essential to
have a good plan as it is what
separates dreams from goals.
Create plans and execute them
regularly and you will be unstoppable.

Having a plan is great, but often it is
no more than a piece of
paper with some chores one it.

At least it feels like chores.
It can be really demotivational

to see a long list of undetailed bullet
points that you HAVE to do.

Here I collected some easy to use
On a To Do list, you collect tasks
under each other and cross
one out when you are don with it.
An action plan, however,
answers the questions:

Who, What, How, Why and When.
It is a lot more detailed than a To Do
list. If you think all those
extra bits of information are
unnecessary (like the Who? when
you are writing an action plan for
yourself only) feel free to skip

A To Do list is still better than
no plan at all, but an action
plan is superior when it comes to
Why make an action plan?

Making a bullet-proof action plan
The difference between a To Do list and
an action plan guidelines thatyou can follow when
creating an action plan, to
make it is more actionable,
user-friendly and to make you more
productive overall.

Keep your list short. One of the most
demotivating things is
when you look at a list of tasks and it
is 6 pages long.
I can already feel the positive attitude
fading away just by thinking
about it.

First of all, you don’t need
to cram every item for the
next two months into a list. We all
have 24 hours a day, so we
can only achieve limited amount.

Second, if the list still grows
long only with your daily tasks make
separate lists.

Here’s an example: make a list for the
morning, for the afternoon and
for the evening.

You can separate your
tasks by locations as
well: office, plant, home.
Now you don’t have to deal with a
huge list at a time.

Keep your tasks short.

No one wants to
see tasks, that are 2-3 lines long.
Keep it short, I recommend5-10 words each.
If you feel the need to add extra
detail, consider using the next trick.
Break down complex tasks into smaller
ones. This is my
number one productivity trick that I
use all the time.
It makes
everything look easy and more doable.

Make your tasks actionable.
Every task you put on the list
must have a verb in it. Instead of
“Report”, write “Do the report
for the Johnstone case”.
I found it to be the most efficient to
put the verb as the first word.

This makes every step an action
that you can imagine instead of just
being a boring bullet point.
Categorise your tasks.
Batch processing is what you want to
achieve with this.
If you have to write 10 emails

during the day, do all of themi n one sitting.
If you
have to make 10 phone calls
do them after each other.
This is a
more efficient way to deal
with small but similar tasks.

Schedule your tasks.
Estimate the required amount of time
for each task, put them in order and
set a deadline for each
of them.
According to Parkinson’s law,
a deadline increases
productivity, especially when it is
The only reason, why you
should update your deadlines is when
something unexpected comes up.
An action plan is a powerful tool, that
every high achiever should implementinto their daily lives.
I hope these
guidelines will help you to make an
actionable and efficient
plan that you can use at work or for
your personal goals.

My 2019 IFRS books are ready. 

They are free to download at:————————————

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