Internet Marketing -what are menu pricing and the middle option? – 3

Mark Wickersham (UK):
The Value Pricing System

Making the middle option top choice
I often talk about menu pricing and the
power of three. It’s truly powerful stuff.

It’s the fact that when faced
with three options people tend to
gravitate towards the middle option.

2) Get your description right
Pricing is marketing, so how you
describe your packages is vital.

Remember that you are trying to sell.

You could choose three star, four star,
five star to rate your menu pricing.

you could go for something like bronze,
silver, gold – the latter perhaps being
a little more powerful.

Don’t under estimate how important your
choice of words can be.

Another way
could be describing the middle option
as the full option.

For example, when
doing annual accounts you could have
the cheapest option as an entry, or
essentials account package.

By default the middle package, the
fuller package, now sounds more

It’s the better solution.

To be continued…

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