Internet Marketing – Cindy’s list …..-2

Dear {!firstname_fix},
Cindy Bidar (US) is retiring all of her
existing courses and checklists. All are at HALF PRICE BUT
each deal is available only for 24 hours!

After midnight Eastern (US time),on the dates specified, 
the price will revert back to the
regular price.

I hope that you can find a bargain, or two! 

•    October 7: Funnels 101 (video
training) – Sale price $13.50

Funnels. If you cringe when you hear
that word, you’re not alone. 

It’s probably one of the most
misunderstood (and confusing) terms we
use today, but it doesn’t have to be. 

My friend Cindy Bidar has put together
a fantastic, beginner-level training
that will take you by the hand and help
you work through all those
head-scratching funnel bits, like:
•    How to figure out which tools you
really need (and which ones you can do
•    How to know what opt-in offer to
create so you don’t accidentally fill
your funnel with freebie seekers who
will never buy from you
•    How to actually create the proper
user flow, so everything works (and so
you don’t miss out on any money-making
opportunities along the way)
•    And so much more!

Here’s what’s inside this easy,
step-by-step training course:
•    7 video lessons in bite-size chunks
(53 minutes total) and carefully
indexed so you can refer to them again
and again as necessary. 
•    7 printable worksheets and checklists
to help you clarify your goals, decide
your next steps, and build your first
•    Copy and paste templates to make
quick work of your opt-in pages, thank
you pages, headlines, and bullet
•    Dozens of opt-in ideas you can use as
the entry point to your funnel, along
with compelling title ideas you can
•    Tools comparison charts to help you
know which landing page software and
email marketing platform is the right
choice for you.
Today only, you can discover how easy
it can be to build a profitable,
list-building funnel for just $13.50.

Seriously, just one single funnel
finished and bringing in subscribers
will earn back that tiny investment in
just a few days – maybe even sooner.

October 8: Perpetual Profit Machine
(video training) – Sale price $18.50
Build a list. Build a list. Build a list!
How many times have you heard that
advice? And don’t get me wrong, it’s
GOOD advice. But it’s not the end.

Just getting subscribers is not the end
goal. Making money is. 

And that’s where it gets tricky. How do
you convert those subscribers into

Because let’s face it, if your
not making money on your email list,
then it’s not an asset, it’s a

Even successful business owners can
make some costly mistakes, such as…
•    Leaving prime (and hugely profitable)
offer spaces unused.
•    Not paying attention to their most
powerful, most read emails, and wasting
that space with unrelated, irrelevant,
and unprofitable content.
•    Failing to take advantage of the easy
tech tools that can drive average sale
amounts up by 30% or more.
•    Ignoring the psychological triggers
all humans respond to that can
dramatically improve conversion rates.
•    Inviting new subscribers to veer away
from the desired path and into
uncharted territory from which they are
unlikely to return.
Does any of that sound familiar? If I’m
honest, much of it hits home for me,

That’s why I’m excited to share
Perpetual Profit Machine with you

Inside this step-by-step
training course, Cindy Bidar is going
to walk you through creating a free
funnel that doesn’t simply fill your
list with subscribers, but actually
earns a tidy profit in a variety of
ways, too.

This course was originally created for
Cindy’s Six-Figure Systems members.
Here’s everything that’s inside:
•    Video training to dig deep into the
whys and hows of profitable email
funnels, so you’ll not only have the
tools to get it done, you’ll have a
clear understanding of how those tools
work to increase your profits and
reduce your workload. 
•    Comprehensive checklists detailing
every step of the process, so nothing
is left to chance, and you never have
to worry if you’ve missed an important
piece of the puzzle.
•    Fill-in-the-blank templates to make
it even easier for you to create all
those important marketing pieces (no
more “I hate to write” excuses!). From
landing pages to relationship-building
emails, you’ll always have a proven,
copy & paste guide to follow. 
•    Pre-built, custom Trello boards with
all the checklists, templates and
instructions organized for you. All you
have to do is copy into your own
account for an instant project plan you
can easily work from or outsource. 

Seriously, that Trello board project
planner alone is worth the tiny price
for this course

In case you missed this:
I have a request :Please make time to view thisfree webinar from my mentor,John Thornhill:

Product Creation Workshop

Please make time to watch this!

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