Internet Marketing – Ask-holes! – 2

Andie Brocklehurst:

Definition: People who are always
asking experts questions but who never
take the advice given in the answer.

At that point it goes quiet for days.

Funny since the thing I asked him to do
would take less than 20 minutes.When he does finally come back to me,
is he asking for the next step?Well no!He’s asking me if I am making six

At this point I KNOW this guy is just a
time wasting idiot who doesn’t have
what it takes to make a dime online
because he’s just looking for

You see, I really, really, really just
want to help people. But some people
cannot be helped because they’re either
just not ready, or they’re just too
damn lazy.

After a frustrating back and forth, I
point out to him that:

“If you are trying to work out how to
get there (six figures)… you can’t
get to 6 figures til you’ve got to 5,
you can’t get to 5 until you’ve done 4
and so on .. There is no magic short
cut or push button system that will do
it for you.”

Over the past three years he’s popped
back up every few months, usually
asking what I think of some pathetic
program or the other, in the vague hope
one day I am going to say “Oh yes, that
dodgy looking pile of rubbish is actually
a genuine shortcut to millions of
dollars, go get it!”

And if it isn’t that, it’s basically
him asking to tell him the secret of
making loads of money without
investing any time or money to do it.

To be continued….

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