Internet Marketing – Optimal Pricing -5!

Mark Wickersham:The Value Pricing System

Are you working crazy long hours and
making very little money?

You’re not alone.

Accountants Are Too Cheap

How Do You Find That Maximum Price?

You can’t just ask your client what
their maximum willingness to spend is.

They would not tell you that number,
they may not even know it themselves.

You need a process of finding that
price. Here’s what you do…

Make your first price too expensive.

If you start low and the client says
yes, you can’t backtrack and try and up
the price – you’ve left money on the

But if you start high and they say
‘that’s too expensive’, you know you
are somewhere above their reservation
price and you can work with them to
alter their service to bring the price
down until they are happy.

Why You Should Involve The Client

In the Pricing Process
Is this ripping the client off?
Absolutely not!

I don’t feel like Apple rip me off, yet
all of their products are really

I am happy to pay that high
price because I know that I am getting
a lot of value from them.

Some customers want the very best, and
they are willing to pay for that.

You should give them the option to choose

a high price, otherwise you will be

overworking, cutting corners and doing
them a disservice.

Mark Wickersham:The Value Pricing System

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