40 UNIQUE digital products!

Let’s talk about MAKING you some money! Commission Magnets


Omar Martin: 

Commission Magnets is a membership
website with the singular focus of
making commissions through affiliate

This is our newest web site
and it uses our most advanced
technology to create affiliate funnels
for the users.   

ComMag comes with
training, and tools. The tools are a
variety of bridge pages, bonus pages,
delivery docs and PRODUCTS. 

Members can quickly customize their own
bonus pages by simply entering their
own headline and YouTube video link. 

The pages are hosted by us so there is
no additional expense for the user. The
best part is that all the bonus
products are provided for them! 

We’ve created 40 UNIQUE digital
products that include videos, ebooks,
text docs, graphics and PSD’s.

We made
this all ourselves, in house. 

This is top quality material and

your customer gets PLR rights to it all. 

It cost over
$17,000 to produce this material. Bonus
pages, download pages, delivery docs,
product zips… all included with
detailed instructions. 

The video training is top notch. Over 6
hours of screen by Omar Martin himself
walking each student through the
process of attracting leads and warming
them up to purchase by using BRIDGE

All the research material and
resources are included and each video
comes with its own PDF to follow along.

Commission Magnets is for you. This is
the process and tools that we use to
make well over a thousand dollars per
week in passive commissions on JVZoo. 

See Exactly How They Did It >>


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