Internet Marketing – Overqualified -2

This has happened to me, when jobswere scarce and I needed one.
I hope that it does not happen to you:

What to do when you’re told you’re
overqualified for a job

Sometimes having all the experience—and
then some—can make it harder to land
the position you want.
Kate Ashford, Monster contributor

Tap your network

Do you know someone who works for the
company, or someone who knows the

Use that to your advantage.

Whenever there’s an
imbalance between what an employer is
looking for and what you have to
offer—be that too much or too little
experience—knowing someone on the
inside can be the key to unlocking

“A marketing role opened up for one of
my clients that was one level below her
capability,” says Donna Svei.

“She had been
cultivating acquaintances who worked
for the company through her wide circle
of friends.

She asked one of those
people to give her resume to HR or the
hiring manager and recommend her for an
interview. It worked.”

Sell the advantages 

Think about what your years of
experience bring to the position, even
if recruiters aren’t specifically
looking for it.

Instead of “overqualified,” view yourself as
highly qualified with something extra
to offer the company.

“My client positioned herself as bench
strength for promotion when a
next-level job opened up and reminded
them that she would be there to train
her replacement,” Svei says.

Emphasize that you are plenty capable
of doing the job in question, and that
your abundance of qualifications means
you can assume greater responsibilities
in less time than it would take to
train someone else.

Tweak your resume

A hiring manager might think a
candidate with your experience will
consider some of the tasks associated
with the position to be beneath them.

If you’re in a supervisory role, one
subtle way to address this is to take
on tasks you might otherwise assign to
others and list them on your resume.

“That way, prospective hiring managers
will see that you aren’t so far removed
from those [lower-level]
responsibilities as they may have
previously thought,”

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