Internet Marketing – Set up a Great Home Office! -2

Set up a Great Home Office 

Elyse Hauser 

Seek Out Natural Light 

As you decide what part of your living
space you’ll use for work, there’s one
thing we want you to keep in mind
first: natural light. 

Even in a basement apartment, you
probably have a small window that lets
at least a little light in.

You can use
those natural light sources to your

Studies have shown that
natural light access is the number-one
thing that makes employees feel great
about a workspace. 

Without natural light, you’ll quickly
feel bored, tired, or shut-in.

brain will have a hard time tapping the
energy it needs to focus.

So, no matter
where you decide to put your home
office, make sure it has a clear view
of a window.

The bigger and brighter
the window, the better, but work with
what you’ve got. 

To be continued….

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