Reasons People Are Buying Right Now and What They’re Spending Thousands On -1

Reasons People Are Buying Right Now and
What They’re Spending Thousands On

Jennifer Diepstraten 

Have you been worried about how people
will feel if you sell to them right now?

Concerned that your pricing might be a
little too high in this economy?

With changes rocking even some of the
most experienced
entrepreneurs’ confidence while other
businesses seem to be
thriving, I decided to go in search of
why some coaching, consulting,
and service-based businesses are having
their best months ever.

Understanding the reasons why people
are buying right now will
reveal much about the possibilities
waiting for you in this market. 

This is a really exciting time to be an

Change and opportunity go hand in hand. 

Explore these key reasons why people

are still buying right now and apply them to
your business to create the offers that
people will spend thousands on.

Reason 1: Change Magnifies 

Great change brings about a need to
redefine ourselves in business,
in life, and in the world. 

When things are shifting, people’s
understanding of what truly matters to
them gets magnified. 

That creates new wants and desires for

For entrepreneurs, this is the perfect time
to do what you do best
because people need you more than ever! 

To fan the flames of desire for your
offers, you need a clear and
compelling way to talk about what you
do and the value you deliver. 

The entrepreneurs who can clearly
articulate their message and the
benefits they provide are making offers
daily, making them more
successful than ever. 

Clients are drawn
to the clarity and conviction
in their message and can’t wait to work
with them. 

One of our clients is a great example
of this kind of success. 

Pre-COVID, he would normally
see about
220 attendees at his 3-day events, but
in April of this
year, that same event held online
boasted 380 attendees,

grossing over $600,000 in revenue. 

A clear and compelling offer makes a big
difference, especially now.

To be continued..

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