Internet Marketing – Reasons People Are Buying Right Now! -4

Reasons People Are Buying Right Now and
What They’re Spending Thousands On

Jennifer Diepstraten 

Reason 4: Unprecedented Opportunity 

Rapid change creates many
opportunities, but it’s only a rare few
entrepreneurs who are brave enough to
walk confidently into the
unknowns in search of the new
opportunities they can create. 

They believe in themselves. 

They know what they have to offer is

And they are willing to invest
in their businesses. These are the
kind of leaders who reap substantial

Disney, Revlon,
MailChimp and Netflix all launched in
trying times and there’s no
doubt about their lasting success or
huge impact on the world. 

When everybody else was running scared,
these visionaries took
their futures into their own hands and
made amazing things happen. 

Rather than using external
circumstances as the reason to
achieve less, they chose a different
reaction to change. Intentionally
directing their mindset and actions was
the reason they attained growth.

Like them, this is the time to set
uncertainty aside, trust in yourself
and all the work you’ve done to get to
this point, and design the
offers that create wins, new
possibilities, and much-needed

People are ready to snap them up. 

When I got the first shelter-at-home
news, I significantly readjusted our
expectations for the year, and shrunk
down ready for a worse case scenario. 

It didn’t take long to remember, however,
that we are each the source of our own
reality through our thinking and our

Within two weeks, we formed a
new joint venture partnership adding
600 people to our email list and 50 new
customers; and within four weeks
created an online event that rivaled
our best in-person event. 

The leaders who bring their expertise,
sales abilities, and trailblazing
courage will create businesses that
change the world.

To be continued..

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