Last call!

Dear {!firstname_fix}, KEEP SAFE AND WELL!

This is the last email about PLR MONSTER.

After tonight (MIDNIGHT) the
price will rise to $999 and to acquire
this product it will cost you a WHOLE
lot more than it does now.

If you haven’t had the chance to grab
this INSANE MEGA PACKAGE, grab it right
now before the price increase!

If you are reading this and the price
has gone up drastically it’s already
too late… Sorry but you missed out!

This isn’t just an ordinary PLR
Package, it’s 99 businesses in a box
with everything you need to get started

That’s enough content to last you for years!!

Remember, this comes with full private
label rights so you can re-brand it in
anyway you want and keep 100% of the
This is an absolute steal and EXTREME

Here is the link again:

Thanks for reading,

P.S. – Remember – no more intensive
product creation training programs to
go through, no more steep learning
curve, just add your payment button and
you are GOOD TO GO!

P.P.S. – The price hike is huge, an
increase of $900 so don’t miss out!

This truly amazing discount ends
on Sunday, when the price will rise to

Yes that’s right, no false
scarcity, it simply goes up no
questions. You need to get in fast!

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