Rules of Effective Public Speaking – 5

Gary Genard
Great speakers don’t just speak—they
Rule #5: Color Your Vocal Delivery.

Your voice is the most flexible
communication tool you own, apart from
the brain itself.

It’s capable of a
wide range of coloration and effects,
from astonishment and incredulity to
mockery and seduction and a hundred
other intentions.

To speak without
vocal variation means using a “mono” or
single tone; and from the combined word
monotone derives the derogatory

If you’re limited vocally,
work with a speech coach to unlock your
presentation voice so you can deliver
fully to your listeners.

The chances
are good that you incorporate a lively
vocal dynamic when you’re angry,
passionately arguing a point with
friends, or sharing the excitement of a
movie, sporting event, or important
milestone in your life.

Why not share
that excellent performer with your
audience in formal speaking situations?

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