Steps To Creating And Packaging Paid Products..-10

Garry Desmarais
Step 10:
Join all the JV launch
groups on Facebook.

These groups don’t get a lot of

They are mostly
people posting their launch details.
Think of them like classified ads.

Be sure to post about your launch
in these groups.
Be sure to list your launch on
it’s a central hub for
affiliates (in the digital marketing
Put together a list of target
affiliates for your launch.
(200 of these targeted affiliates is
not out of the question).

The more you reach out to the more
success you will have.

Affiliate recruitment gets easier the
more you do product
launching and the more success you
People who sell, respect other people
who know how to sell.

So there is very much a feeling that
you need to prove yourself
before you starting getting respect.
The subject of affiliate recruitment is
a deep one and is beyond the
scope of this email.

But what I will
say is that it is in your best interest
to learn it.

Hundreds of thousands of
dollars have been made in just a
few short days on a good digital
product launch.

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