How And Why People Buy – 2

Garry Desmarais:

  1. People buy online just like they buy
    offline. If they are buying an impulse item,
    they’ll click thru and
    spend a buck. If it’s a bigger ticket
    item, they’ll shop around.
  2. Which are you selling? Is
    the look of your
    site appropriate to what you are
    selling? I don’t want
    to buy designer chewing gum and I won’t
    buy at a site
    that looks like it should be selling
    gum. Would you? I
    want to buy the stuff I usually buy,
    but I don’t want
    to leave home to do it. Are YOU meeting
    my need?
  3. People buy what they need, when they
    need it and can
    afford it. The key is to give people
    information that
    connects with what they need. The good
    news is that
    people need the same things they have
    always needed.
    Which of us doesn’t long for more time,
    more money,
    better relationships with family and
    friends? The more
    your message is aligned with these
    needs, the better
    you will do.
  4. WHY People Make ‘Buying Decisions’
    There are only SIX basic motivators
    that will trigger any
    buying decision in the mind of a
    potential customer. All
    six are actually deeply rooted in the
    human psyche, akin
    to our most common needs and desires.
  5. Desire for gain – usually financial,
    but also to gain in love,
    power, respect from other people.
  6. Fear of loss – usually financial,
    but also emotional.
    This trigger may tie to the loss of
    something already gained,
    or to the fear of not gaining something
    that is perceived as a need.

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