Freelancing Freedom Plan:

(Another Cindy Birthday Present!)
Cindy is the perfect person to teach
this course, too, and here’s why: She
started off her online career as a
freelancer, writing content and copy
for other business owners.

She then transitioned to marketing and
operations management as a virtual

Finally, two years ago,
someone convinced her to teach what she
knows, and now her courses and
membership provide about 90% of her

In the Freelancing Freedom Plan, she’s
giving you the exact steps to follow
her path and grow your business, too!

Here’s what’s included: 

5 multimedia lessons.

Each audio or
video lesson is around 20 minutes, so
you don’t have to devote hours of your
precious time before you get to the
action steps–and believe me, this is
all action and no fluff!

5 printable worksheets and cheat sheets
to walk you through each decision and
process. You’re never left with any
lingering questions or concerns.

7 printable checklists to ensure you
never miss a critical step along the
way, from deciding on your topic to
promoting your finished product to your

​A complete, done-for-you project
planning Trello board to help keep
everything organized.

See all the details at

coupon code = BIRTHDAY
Use that code to save 54%
on any course
or toolkit that you will find here:.
Ends Sunday

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