Quick & Easy Course Creation


Cindy Bidar:

After I released Tiny Course Empire, I
started hearing from my community that
they’re missing a critical piece of the
course creation puzzle — the actual
nuts and bolts of getting a course
planned, written, recorded, and

That’s why I created
Quick & Easy Course Creation.

It’s all about how to
outline and script a course, how to
translate that script into slides, how
to record the video, and how to decide
what else to include to make it easy
for students to succeed. 

In other words, it’s the exact course
creation process I’ve been following
myself for years.

I think it’s going to
be a turning point for anyone who wants
to create courses but who’s feeling
overwhelmed with all there is to do,
and who struggles to get everything
they know about a topic organized in a
useful structure for their audience. 

If your community enjoyed Tiny Course
Empire, this one is a natural next step
for them. 

Here are the details you need:

Promo code EASYCOURSES saves $ 60 until
Sunday, February 21

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