Persuade Customers To Buy Your Backend-2

Aaron Danker:
If you
want to make more money with your
business, one good place to start is on
your order forms.

Think about it…You
have a prospect with a credit card
already in their hand. They’re in a
buying mood.

So there’s a good chance
that if you put a related offer in
front of them (the proverbial, “you
want fries with that?”), they’ll take
it.And that means you’ll make more
money with every customer who walks
through your door.

So how do you create
a backend or upsell offer that gets
your prospects clicking the “Yes”
button? Like this…

2. Offer an Irresistible Deal

Dropping a related offer in front
of your prospect is great.

But turning that offer into
an irresistible deal is even better.
Take the fast food example again.

If you order a burger with a small fries
and drink, the clerk will ask you if
you want to “biggy size” the order for
just a small extra charge.

The deal is irresistible.

You get a LOT more food
for just a tiny bit more money.

No matter what you’re selling, you can do
the same thing.

For example:“I usually
charge $997 per month for this sort of

But as a valued member of my
new copywriting club, you’ll get a
special price of just $497 per month
for this same high-quality coaching…”

To be continued…

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