Email Marketing Campaigns – 1

Cindy Bidar:
Today, I’m launching a brand new course:
Email Marketing Campaigns: How to Fill Your
Calendar With Engaging Offers That Get

So many of my coaching clients come to
me and say:

•    They don’t know what to email about
on a day-to-day basis

•    They’re afraid they will “burn out
their list” if they email too much

•    AND they’re not making as many sales
from email as they hoped. 

Email Marketing Campaigns is the
answer, and it’s 62% off this week only. 

This course is all about intentionally
planning an email marketing calendar to
create more engagement, make more
sales, and spend less time agonizing
over what to say and how to say it. 

I wrote it specifically for people who
feel intimidated by sales, and who
struggle to write and send emails
because they’re concerned about
sounding too “spammy” or emailing too
often. Here are all the details you need:
Promo dates: March 23 through March 28
Release coupon: Promo code CAMPAIGNS
saves 62% until March 28

Your link to the sales page:

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