Time is running out!

Cindy Bidar: 

She is going to teach you precisely how to:

●    Grow your list by
●    Filling your funnels on autopilot
when you
●    Creating blog posts that entice,
engage & earn you moreTheir course – How to Fill Your Funnel:
A Blogging Game Plan to
Grow Your List & Income Fast – is
designed to let you watch as Cindy and
Karon walk you through:•    3 critical elements every
list-building offer must have to be
•    4 traits of exceptional content
upgrades (opt-in freebies) that make
visitors drool
•    Tech Made Easy: The 3 steps to
implementing your content upgrade with
easy-to-understand instructions
•    Opt-In Pages Explained: The 3 parts
your opt-in page needs to be persuasive
and nurturing
•    How to monetize every inch of your
backend funnel (without sounding pushy)
•    4 do’s and don’ts to help you
overcome (or avoid) common mistakes
•    Why blog posts are the perfect
vehicles for driving opt-ins into your
•    Choosing the most-enticing topic to
match your content upgrade
•    4 strategic steps for mapping your
post to lead readers to your opt-in
•    5 blog post types that are
particularly effective in converting
readers to subscribers
•    How to write captivating titles to
pique interest
•    10 creative ways to develop enticing
hooks that keep visitors hanging on
your every word
•    9 ways to discover who your target
customer is and relate to them through
your posts
•    2 different approaches to flawlessly
merging from your blog content to your
opt-in offer
•    And MUCH more!

Get all the details about this

Promo code HFAF50 saves 50% till April 11,
(after the sale ends, this
course will no longer be sold)

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