Fill your list with buyers – in the Bundle!

This bundle is 75% off standard prices!

Cindy Bidar:

Smart business owners know the profit
potential of an engaged email list, but
did you know that all those free offers
and nurture sequences might be doing
you (and your subscribers) a
The thing is, those first few moments
after a new subscriber joins your list
are when they are most engaged. It’s
critical that you make the best use of
their attention by presenting the next
right step for them, right when they’re
most likely to consider it.
 But not just any offer will do. If you
want your tripwire to be truly
irresistible, you must have a plan of
Inside the Tripwire Toolkit, I’m going
to show you exactly how to create and
sell your own low-cost, irresistible
tripwire offer to convert new
subscribers to customers in minutes. You’ll get…
The Tripwire User Flow Cheat Sheet:

If you’re feeling confused and overwhelmed
about how all the pieces of a tripwire
fit together, you are not alone. The
User Flow Cheat Sheet will clarify the
set up and help you map out your own
irresistible offers.

The Tools to Use Comparison Guide: Not
sure which tools you really need, and
which ones you can live without? This
comparison guide will clarify all the
options and help you choose the right
ones for you and your business—plus
you’ll avoid spending money on fancy
software solutions you don’t need.

The Tripwire Ideas Checklist: Feeling
less-than-creative? Browse through this
list of 12 easy tripwires you can
create in just a couple of hours (and
there are at least 3 you probably
already have on hand!)

The Tripwire Offer Worksheet: Spend a
few minutes with this worksheet and get
crystal clear on how you can easily
incorporate tripwires into your
marketing plan.

Plus 10 additional checklists, cheat
sheets, and worksheets to help you
plan, create, and promote your
tripwires, and make building a list of
buyers easy!

Check it out here:
This bundle is 75% off standard prices!

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