Free Website Traffic Ideas – 2

Simple and Effective Things
You Can Do Right Now to Get
More Visitors:
This means your revenue will increase
in a number of ways.

6. Start a LinkedIn Group – You can
also start a free group on LinkedIn. If
you take time to create a great
description, people are more likely to
join. Make sure to share content
regularly that links back to your

7. Join Someone Else’s LinkedIn Group –
Search for LinkedIn groups that
interest your target audience. Join one
or two at a time. Participate in the
groups for a few weeks or months. Leave
the groups that don’t suit your needs.

8. Build Your Email List – When you
have your readers and website visitors
on your email list, you can send them
to your website whenever you post
something new on it to bring them back
to it.

9. Use Email Marketing– Use your email
to market your website to others by
adding the right email signature, plus
ask them to share and visit.

10. Join HARO – This is a handy website
called Help a Reporter Out, that helps
you find and become a source for others
including journalists and the media.

to be continued …

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