Outsourcing Success Plan

Outsourcing Success PlanCindy Bidar’s new launch:


Outsourcing Success Plan is the
training your community needs if
they’re exhausted from trying to do it
all themselves but they’re not sure how
to begin outsourcing those low-impact
tasks that suck up so much of their

This training walks them through the
steps to: 

•    Decide what type of contractor to
bring on based on their needs, budget,
and business goals

•    Choose the tasks and projects to
outsource first

•    Determine their outsourcing budget    

• Find, hire, and onboard a new team

•    Ensure good infrastructures so the
onboarding and training process is

•    Know when it’s time to add more team

It’s going to be especially useful for
those who consider themselves too much
of a “control freak” to ever hand off
an important task, who don’t see how
they can possibly afford to hire
anyone, or who have tried to outsource
before and failed. 

Here are the details you need:

Outsourcing Success Plan: Hire, Train,
Manage, and Mentor a Team to Grow Your


Sale dates: July 13 through Sunday, July 19 
Promo code: DREAMTEAM (saves $60)

Your link to the sales page: 


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