Are you dying from zero-commissionitis?

The Commission Machine   

Michael Cheney:

The 4 deadly tell-tale signs

are there for all to see;

#1. Conversion rates, EPCs

and profits per promo are dying

a slow death

#2. Email delivery rates,

open rates and clickthrough

rates are down the toilet

#3. Market maturity has led

to reluctance, skepticism

and even downright negativity

in the market

#4. More and more affiliates

are joining the battlefield

every single day

So how can you rise above all

this and continue to survive

and thrive?


You need to follow a proven

process that works.

A way to get noticed, to

stand out from the crowd,

to differentiate yourself

from all the other affiliates.

A way that’s been used by

super affiliates and newbies

alike to rake in serious

commissions and dominate


This is special.

Everywhere affiliates are

raving about (and making

money) with

The Commission Machine;

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