Internet Marketing – Loose Connections -1

Failure to communicate costs you sales. Randy Smith (UK) recommended a book by a 20-year IM veteran. I know the author and value his advice. I bought it and a second book as an upsell. I read them both and was ready to recommend them to you. I wrote to the author for permission to promote the books.…

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Internet Marketing – 200% Commissions-Is he crazy? -3

‘We were testing 200% commissions on a JVZoo product.’ So, he has affiliates (agents) selling his $10 book and he pays them $20 for selling it. So where is the pay-off? So, we set up a ‘sales funnel’ starting with a $10 product and moving up to a ‘high-ticket’ product of $100 plus. It is…

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Internet Marketing – 200% Commissions-Is he crazy? -2

‘We were testing 200% commissions on a JVZoo product.’ Yesterday, I received this note from a US friend. So, he has affiliates (agents) selling his $10 book and he pays them $20 for selling it. Either 100% or 200% commissions are risky and expensive, so where is the pay-off? The IM business model says that…

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Internet Marketing – 200% Commissions-Is he crazy? -1

‘We were testing 200% commissions on a JVZoo product.’ Yesterday, I received this note from a US friend. So, he has affiliates (agents) selling his $10 book and he pays them $20 for selling it. Is he staring bankruptcy in the face? Why would he do this? 100% commissions are becoming common and this is taking it…

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Internet Marketing – Word-wrap reminder

WORDWRAP (reminder) Use mine free as often as you want! Over 53% of ALL emails are now opened on mobile devices, so if your emails are not optimized for mobile devices, then you’re missing out BIG TIME and at risk! WordWrap is a wonderfully-simple FREE tool that allows you to wrap your text so…

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Internet Marketing – Phrases you must avoid

    Adobe Systems researchers surveyed more than 1,000 white-collar workers and discovered that the most-hated email phrase is ‘Not sure if you saw my last email…’ ​​​​​​​Time to watch a great webinar! I have a request : Please make time to view this free webinar from my mentor, John Thornhill: Product Creation Workshop Please…

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Internet Marketing – What is my IP? -2 Rescue my access!

Story so far: I cannot access my UK training materials that I have been using for more than a year. My browser says that the site cannot be found. Is the Chrome browser at fault? I tried Firefox and Internet Explorer. Same result. I contacted my trainer to see if the addresses (URL’s) had changed. No,…

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Internet Marketing – List Building Firepower -7

Powerful Marketing Tactics to Increase Your Opt-in Rate and Engage Subscribers! Aaron Danker (UK): Building and cultivating a list that eagerly wants to hear from you can take years. More of your time and energy should be focused towards building a responsive list… How does one marketer add 100s of subscribers to their account every week whilst…

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Internet Marketing – Content may be Key… BUT

Power Copy Club John Thornhill (UK): Let me ask you: What is the one thing you need to do every single day in your business?Well according to just about everyone, Including the Search Engines, It’s this: ** You need to create content. ** Hence the saying -> Content is key! Sometimes you’re writing sales…

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Internet Marketing – Short & Simple!

Traffic Generation Club John Thornhill (UK): Yes, let’s keep this short and simple! When two of the net’s top marketers show you how they pull in enough traffic to make six and seven figures a year, you ought to listen. Find out their favorite traffic methods now at The TrafficGenerationClub with Your Complimentary Access…

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