Free Website Traffic Ideas – 3

Simple and Effective Things
You Can Do Right Now to Get
More Visitors:
This means your revenue will increase
in a number of ways.
11. Guest Blog – Find influential
places that accept guest blog posts.

Create a
unique and original post for them with
a good image. Include a topic related
bio to help you build your reputation
and get click-throughs.

12. Start a Channel –
YouTube is a fabulous traffic generator
if you edit your video to include your URL,
and include it in the description and
as a linkable comment. (Note: include a
verbal CTA as well)

13. Guest Appear on Someone Else’s
– Many YouTubers, who are
popular in your niche, often
collaborate in joint projects with
other YouTubers.

If you can guest appear on one of these
popular YouTubers accounts, you can
generate more traffic.

14. Host Google Hangouts – Google
Hangouts are free, and anyone can
You can also record it to use later.
During the hangout mention your site and
describe it in the description too.

15. Offer To Be Interviewed– Lots of
experts need to fill interview slots.

Make your
availability known. Send emails to
influencers and tell them the various
you’re an expert in and what you’ve

to be continued …

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