Internet Marketing – A Secret Shared

Randy Smith (thanks, Randy):
It’s now 9am, and I’ve checked stats,
checked emails, done the school run,

and answered all the new

overnight coaching support tickets.

And I still don’t feel like the day has
even started yet. (If I could go back to
bed, I think I would…)

Which leads me to a SECRET technique
I’ve used
all my life – to get things done.

I figured I’d share this to see if it
helps any of you guys and girls:)

I genuinely do struggle to find
motivation sometimes,
when I’m tired or worn out, or just not
inclined to get out of bed even,but things need doing…

People call me Self Motivated, they
know me as
someone who, when I say I’ll do
something – I DO!

But the real secret is…

It never works for things I ‘want to get done’

And only ever works – ‘When others are
relying on me’

I think I worked out many years ago, that 

I care too much about my own reputation
in the eyes of others.

I have no issue with letting myself
down, and can
easily make excuses to myself.

So my SECRET to getting things done,
has always been to do it for other people.- As I NEVER want
to let other people down, and do care
that they’d think bad of me if I did.

So just like forcing myself out of bed
for the school run, because

my girls are relying on me.

Back in my selling days, when we
started work at 2pm and worked

through until 9 or 10pm in the

You would find me on appointments

potential customers at 9am onwards.

By the 2pm office meeting, I had
already hit my daily targets, so

with the rest of the day still
to work, it’s easy to see how I always
beat targets and was listed as

atop seller for the company.

I literally conned myself into working
more, by booking appointments or

setting things up where

“I would be letting other people down
if I failed to get up and at it!”

And that was always my ‘Big Secret’ to

If I need half a dozen emails writing
for my own products, it can take

me a month to find time to fit it in.

But If I’ve promised another marketer,
that I’d
deliver 100 emails in a weeks time –
(and have been) DONE!

By ensuring that I put myself in a
position where
I felt I’d be letting someone else down
if I didn’t complete a task – I

I hope that helps.

I guess these days the easiest way to
action a plan like this – would be to find
yourself an Accountability Partner..

or Post Publicly on social
media that YOU WILL get XYZ done By
Whatever Day/Time.

Unless of course your mindset is
different and you don’t care about how others

see you or think of you?

But if you are like me – than I hope
this advice helps You push past

our own personal
delays and excuses 🙂


In case you missed this,it is still very much alive:

I have a request :Please make time to view thisfree webinar from my mentor,John Thornhill:

Product Creation Workshop

Please make time to watch this!

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