Internet Marketing –Are you getting physical? -1

I don’t sell T-Shirts anymore (this is
Ben Adkins (US)’ new life style::
Ben: I have a confession to make.
I didn’t get out of bed today until
after 11AM (hence why today’s email to
you was written and sent a little later
in the day). I wasn’t depressed. I
didn’t have a terribly late night out.
I just woke up this morning and decided
that I wanted to lay in bed and play on
my phone.
Why am I telling you this?
I want you to understand that
everything I do in my business today is
about giving myself and my family the
lifestyle that we want.
And with that… I want to tell you why
I stopped selling T-shirts and other
physical products a little over a year
The Things that upset (for me) about
Selling Physical Products:
1.    I’d was constantly having to manage
designers who were responsible for new
t-shirt designs. (when I did T-shirts)
If you’ve done this, you know that it
is rarely a fun thing.
2.    The margins on t-shirts and physical
products are miserable compared to just
about every other thing I’ve done to
make money online. (30% profit once we
really had it dialed in after ads and
hard cost)
3.    For my non t-shirt business
(WhiskeyBaller) I had to constantly
manage inventory and work with supply
chains that were a giant pain.
4.    I kept seeing all these Ecom Gurus
shooting videos of large trucks pulling
up to Warehouses they were leasing…
and it made me scared because
I had no desire to have that kind of
liability (been there and done that and
it wasn’t me).
To be continued
From yesterday, in case you missed it
First name:
If I make an
error with your first name
at the start of my letters:
1. Sorry, I apologise!
2. Please reply to me and just write
your correct name in the title
or top of the letter
. I will change it.
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My guest post on 3 top IM blogs: 

Scams and Limited Markets

John Thornhill, Dave Nicholson and 
Michael Cheney:
Please ask your friends to sign up for
this letter at
Thank you.

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