Internet Marketing – Ask-holes! – 4

Andie Brocklehurst:

Definition: People who are always
asking experts questions but who never
take the advice given in the answer.

It’s basically
him asking to tell him the secret of
making loads of money without
investing any time or money to do it.

Here’s what I have told him SEVERAL
TIMES over the past three years…

1) It takes a mix of time and money to
build a successful business that will
generate you a full time income.

2) The more money you have to put into
it, the less time you will need because
you can outsource things. 

3) There is no one magic program you
can buy that will give you everything
you need in one place.  

You need to
educate yourself. I read loads of
marketing books and courses every

4) Reading case studies because you can
take, adapt and add another revenue
stream to your arsenal and if you don’t
love the idea and want to do it then
you will still get golden nuggets out
of it that you can apply elsewhere.

5) Focus. Pick one thing, focus on it,
get it done, to completion – before
running on to the next thing.

6) There’s no such thing as a push
button way to make lots of cash

Sadly, this perpetual ask-hole will
probably never learn and he will
continue to pop up asking “excuse
questions” for another 3 years.

And why not right?

It beats actually
having to DO something.
Keep taking positive action! 
John Thornhill’s Ambassador Program:
John is the master of digital product

creation (see webinar below).

He is now launching a new program

in which he supplies the products and

a whole system to create your

profit-earning online marketing business. 
Ever since John launched his brand new
Ambassador Program, I have had a ton of
questions. So I’ve decided to answer
the most common ones here.

Q. So what do I need to do to make this

A. You need an Auto Responder account
and a ClickBank account. Simple.

Q. How much work is involved? A. You
need to spend about 30 minutes setting
this up (John shows you how step by
step) and drive some traffic. He shows
you how to drive traffic as well.

Q. This sounds too good to be true,
what’s the catch?

A. No catch, He designed this program
to help you generate commissions for
the least amount of work possible, plus
it helps bring more people into the

Q. What’s the cost?

A. Just $497 with NOTHING else to pay.
However, he may increase this as a lot
of people were expecting to pay up to
5k, so check out this page below where
you can see the recording from the
webinar presentation and find out more:

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