Internet Marketing – But First You Must Qualify…!

Well done if you picked up

Commission Machinefor a bargain price. 

If not it’s here:
Commission Black Ops
is also available at half price!

Qualifications you must meet:

#1. You must keep what you learn
completely confidential

This is confidential and proprietary
information which I am granting you
access to as a paying client (if you
meet all these qualifications). This
means no sharing, redistributing,
re-purposing or talking about this

Don’t think once you’ve
learned this strategy it’s “fair game”
to rename it and sell it as your own.

It’s not. Doing that is like chumming
the water for my lawyers – they love

#2. You must be willing to roll up your
sleeves and apply this secret strategy.

The reason I’m releasing this is to
build a legion of affiliate special
operatives who can crush it for me when
I release future products.

So I can only accept you if you’re willing

to get your hands dirty and apply this
$39k/mo. strategy.

Yes it’s easy to
swipe and deploy but there is still
some effort required on your part. So
if you’re expecting money to rain from
the heavens without you even lifting a
finger then do not buy this.

#3. You must be a top affiliate or
future top affiliate

I’ve made no secret of the fact I’m
looking for the best of the best to
build my legion of top affiliates who
can promote my products and make us all
rich moving forward.

Now it’d be great
if you’re already ahead of the game
here but even if you’re fresh off the
applecart it’s all good – as long as
you have the DESIRE to become a top
affiliate you have what it takes.

#4. You must not be a douchebag

If you’re the type of whinging,
whining, negative nellie who thinks the
world owes them a favor then please run
to the hills right now.

If you’re one
of those thieves and liars who
instantly claims a refund without even
looking at the product or complains
because money doesn’t instantly rain
down from the sky then forget it. This
strategy works (if you do). Period.

Okay, it’s time to wrap this thing up
and get you started making money with
this – are you ready?

Either you want to discover this secret
strategy (and you meet the four

Or you don’t.

I’m not gonna bend over backwards to
get you to buy this because, quite
frankly, it’s not in my interest to do

Every last cent from the sale of this
goes to my affiliates.

I’m revealing this info only to the
RIGHT group of select individuals who
meet the grade so they can join my
legion of affiliate special operatives.

You’ve made it this far so it looks
like you might make the grade the only
question is;
Are you READY?

Commission Black Ops


John Thornhill’s Partnership to Success
Product Creation Workshop

Please make time to watch this!

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