Internet Marketing – California New Law

Randy Smith:
* California New LawJust a quick mention in case you
or weren’t actually aware!
(GDPR in Europe brought in
those privacy laws etc..)===

“AB 375: Data privacy for consumers

The state’s sweeping new consumer data
privacy law gives Californians the right to
learn what companieslike Facebook and Google know
about them — and to stop the sharing or
selling of their data.

They will also be able to
sue over data breaches if companies fail to
adequately protect their data.”

Now that it applies to a USA state, if
you don’t have the right pages, it could
cost you.

But I do have my app that will get you
compliant with a single line of code added

to the head
section of you sites 🙂

So if you don’t have something like
this yet:

Go grab it now and keep your
Californian customers
(and Lawmakers) happy 🙂


In case you missed this,it is still very much alive:

I have a request :Please make time to view this

free webinar from my mentor,

John Thornhill:

Product Creation Workshop

Please make time to watch this!

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