Internet Marketing – Cars Passing By The Lemonade Girl -1

Garry Desmarais (Canada):
First I want to say that this story can
be the most
powerful device in turning your mind
into an advertising power system.
The $500-$1500 copy writing courses
don’t cover anything this powerful
so listen up.
Today, I was driving around running
errands and taking in
the beautiful Portland summer.
Many children setup the classic
lemonade stands
and I
sometimes stop for a cup to patronize
them. Most of them
use the same white, construction board
sign duct taped to
the front of their table reading
“Fresh Lemonade 50 Cents”
in black marker.
I passed many of these stands and
didn’t stop because I had
a Mountain Dew with me.
But when I was coming to a stop
light I saw a young girl, maybe
9 or 10 years of age
standing on the side of the road waving
a sign made of pink
construction board with flashing
Christmas lights running
around the outer edge of the sign.
As the light turned green, nearly every
car, truck, van
that passed slowed down and read the
sign reading
“Cool Off With Lemonade
Fresh Squeezed Right
In Front Of You!”

in red marker and many stopped to get a
cup including me.
I was truly amazed at this young girls
advertising wizardry.
I went up to the table to get a cup of
lemonade and had to
actually wait in line!
I was really in awe simply watching
this young girl work her magic with the
customers, smiling, saying
“Do you like your lemonade sweet
or sour?”
As I approached the table she said “Do
you like your
lemonade sweet or sour?” I said, “a cup
of sweet
lemonade please”, and she went to work
by grabbing a ripe
lemon out of her wicker basket, gently
laying it on a small
wooden cutting board and quickly
slicing it right down the
middle with a steak knife.
Then she palmed one of the halves and
pressed it with a
twisting motion into her juicing wedge
then three other halves in the same fashion.
She then carefully scooped 3
spoons of sugar into my cup, gave it a
quick stir with the spoon then
dropped in three cubes of
ice and said “That will be $1.00 sir”.

To be continued

If you missed it:
Silvia at IFRSbox.
If you are in finance and not on her
FREE list (WHY NOT?):
From my mentor, John Thornhill:
check John Thornhill’s webinar:
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Here’s the link you need.
Here is a page of information
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and watch the webinar

Michael Cheney!

‘Do NOT buy 7-Figure Franchise…
(Is he retreating? Tactical move?)
Yes I said do NOT buy it;
Do NOT buy 7-Figure Franchise if you’re
the sort of person who likes to
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Do NOT buy 7-Figure Franchise if you
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Do NOT buy 7-Figure Franchise if you’re
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Do NOT buy 7-Figure Franchise if you’re
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This will make you an extra $500
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It will make you serious money.
Check it out here: 7-Figure Franchise
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Are you serious about IM?
Please have a look at 
the following webinars to see the experts:
If you want a low-cost start to IM,
this is the place to start:
Devon Brown runs the Web Copy Cat
‘done-for-you’ service that you can
join for $1, though you have to
contribute the traffic.
Web Copy Cat
Click here NOW:
Dean Holland
This free video gives you the chance to
learn from the master.
Click here
John Thornhill’s
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Click here:

is a recording of the complete building
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My guest post on 3 top IM blogs: 

Scams and Limited Markets

John Thornhill, Dave Nicholson and 
Michael Cheney:
Please ask your friends to sign up for
this letter at
Thank you.

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