Internet Marketing – Cindy’s list …..-11 (Last day!)

Cindy Bidar (US) is retiring all of her
existing courses and checklists. 

each deal is available only for24 hours!

After midnight Eastern (US time),on the dates specified, 
the price will revert back to the
regular price.

I hope that you can find a bargain, or two! 

•    October 17: Operations & Marketing
Checklists – Sale price $13.50

Have you ever sat down to document your
most important business tasks? Things
like how you prefer to set up your blog
posts, or how to create an email
address for a new team member, or how
to set up an opt-in offer? 

I know – it’s boring and it feels like
a time suck, but let me tell you,
having documented standard operating
procedures for your business can make a
huge difference in your profitability –
and cut down majorly on your stress,

My friend Cindy Bidar managed the
operations of 6- and 7-figure online
businesses for more than 8 years,
before focusing on growing her own
brand. In that time, she developed
dozens of repeatable checklists for
everything from setting up a website to
managing a help desk. 

Today only, she’s offering them to you
for a fraction of what it would cost
you to create your own. 
Check them out here before midnight
tonight, when they’re gone forever. 

Here’s everything you get in this
incredibly useful checklist pack: 
•    New Website Installation Checklist:
From cPanel to your menu structure,
this checklist will ensure all your
websites are installed securely and
•    Blog Post SEO Checklist: Looking for
a little love from Google? Don’t post
another blog without this checklist to
•    New Blog Post Checklist: Make sure
your readers always see your best self
with this 22-point checklist designed
to make your blog post shine. 
•    New Blog Post Promotion Checklist:
Get more eyes on every post when you
follow these 18 steps.
•    Image Creation Checklist: Keep your
branding on point when you follow the
blog post image checklist.  
•    WordPress Website Maintenance
Schedule: Keeping your site updated is
a must if you want to keep it secure.
Don’t miss a beat with this
easy-to-follow schedule.  
•    New Mailing List Setup Checklist:
Consistency is key when dealing with
all the moving parts in your business.
This checklist ensures your email list
is easy to manage. 
•    Weekly Newsletter Creation Checklist:
Keep your newsletter or regular email
outreach on brand and ensure your
subscribers always recognize you in
their inbox with this 21-item
•    New Opt-In Offer Checklist: Setting
up a new funnel? You’ll want to tick
all these boxes for best results and
fewer funnel leaks. 
•    Free Webinar Setup Checklist: These
powerful sales tools can be tricky to
set up. Be sure all the crucial
elements are connected by following
this checklist.
•    New Product Setup Checklist: You’ll
never experience an embarrassing broken
download or missing coupon code if you
follow this checklist for every new
product in your catalog.  
•    Sales Funnel Setup Checklist: Earn
more with every sale when you follow
this checklist for a compelling sales
•    New Podcast Setup Checklist: Take
your expertise to a whole new audience
when you create a podcast thanks to
this checklist. 
•    Podcast Episode Checklist: Keep your
show running efficiently without
spending hours each week at the task
when you follow this checklist.
•    Podcast Guest Outreach & Scheduling
Checklist: Keep your calendar full (and
your guests more than happy with your
efficiency) when you use this checklist
for your interview-style podcast. 
•    Membership Product Setup Checklist:
Recurring income can add a lot of
profit to your bottom line, so make
sure all your memberships are
consistent by following this setup
•    Help Desk Setup Checklist: Stop
struggling with support emails and set
up a proper help desk instead. You’ll
be amazed at how much time you save
(not to mention the reduced stress
•    Help Desk Management Schedule
Checklist: Keep your support desk
running like the efficient (and
profitable) business asset it is with
this simple maintenance schedule. 
•    New Affiliate Program Setup
Checklist: Borrow other people’s
audiences when you create an affiliate
program. Follow this checklist for best
•    Affiliate Payout Checklist: PayPal
makes it easy to reward your loyal
affiliates, and this checklist ensures
you don’t miss any critical steps along
the way. 
•    Affiliate Tools Checklist: Give your
affiliates everything they need to
promote your products and services when
you follow this quick checklist. 
•    New Email Account & Forwarder Setup
Checklist: Adding your own domain email
isn’t complicated… unless you don’t
know how. This checklist walks you
through it. 
•    New Add-On and Sub-Domain Setup
Checklist: Creating a new website or a
learning portal on an existing one?
You’ll need these checklists to make
sure your visitors can access them. 
•    Website Security Checklist: Worried
your mission-critical sites might be
vulnerable to hackers? Review your
setup with this checklist and make the
necessary changes to stay safe. 
•    Website Creation & Maintenance
Details: You and your team will know at
a glance exactly what size images to
use, the proper hex code colors for
your brand, which fonts you prefer, and
more when you complete this worksheet. 
•    Email Marketing Setup & Management
Details: Never again lose track of
preferred templates, forms and other
important information thanks to this
must-have business document. 
•    Sales Funnels & Marketing Details:
Keep track of your shopping cart,
landing page builder, webinar provider
and more with this worksheet. 
•    Podcast Setup & Management Details:
With all the moving parts in your
business, it’s easy to forget where you
put things. This worksheet helps keep
your podcasting project organized. 
•    Membership Site Setup & Management
Details: If you have a training or
membership site for your clients and
customers, this worksheet is the
perfect place to store the details.   
•    Help Desk Setup & Management Details:
Document any special instructions or
login details on this worksheet to help
maintain consistency and efficiency no
matter who’s handing support tickets.  
•    Affiliate Program Management Details:
Did you agree to pay affiliates on the
1st or the 15th? With PayPal or check?
Stay on top of this important task (or
hand it off to your assistant) when you
document it on this template.  
•    Hosting Account Management Details:
Few things are more important in
business than having control over your
most important assets, like your
website. This template keeps all the
critical details in one place so you
can easily find them when you need

If you use just one of these
checklists, you’ll save yourself hours
of time, and that alone will more than
pay for the cost of this package.
Not to mention the boost in productivity
and effectiveness you’ll have. 

Get them today for just $13.50, no
coupon required. They’re gone at
midnight though, so don’t wait!

October 18: Conjure Clients Out of
Thin Air (email templates) – Sale price

If you’ve ever sat down and wondered
where your next client will come from,
or how you can manage a cash boost for
an unexpected bill, or how to replace a
client who’s retiring, then keep
reading. This one is for you.

Truthfully, you’re not alone if some
months are a bit leaner than others.

Most service providers and coaches
experience the stress of having an
empty calendar from time to time. 

But it doesn’t have to stay that way.
You probably already do many of the
things that are recommended, such as:
•    Blogging and email marketing
•    Keeping your skills sharp
•    Networking in online groups and in

All of those things are important, but
when it’s crunch time, those long-term
business-building efforts can fall

That’s when you need to reach
out and personally ask for new
projects, a new retainer, or new

If you’re feeling stuck about how to
phrase those emails, then you’re going
to love this package of
fill-in-the-blank email templates. It’s
everything a freelancer or coach needs
to keep his or her calendar filled, and
today only, you can get this entire
package for just $8.50!

Here’s what’s included:
•    Project Proposal Email Template:
Top-earning VAs are more than just task
doers. They’re trusted consultants who
regularly propose new projects. This
template makes it easy. 
•    Available Hours Email Template: Send
this to existing clients and new
prospects, and add it to your
autoresponder series to be sure
everyone knows you’re accepting new
•    New Retainer Proposal Email Template:
The best prospects you have are those
who have already worked with you. This
template is perfect for offering a
retainer relationship to a project-only
•    Special Offer Email Template: We all
run a bit short on cash sometimes. If
you’re in a pinch, send this email to
your clients or mailing list with a
special offer to bring in some
•    New Services Email Template: Offering
a new package or service? Let your
prospects know with this template. You
may find it’s just what they’re looking
•    Request for Referral Email Template:
By far the best marketing tool
available to you is word of mouth. Not
everyone will think to refer you to
their friends and colleagues, though.
This template is the answer. 
•    Introduction to Services Email
Template: Make it easy for clients and
prospects to know if you’re a good fit
for their new project. Just add this
email to your autoresponder, or send it
out after an in-person connection.
•    Rates Lock-In Email Template: Raising
your rates? Use this template to reach
out to everyone you’ve connected with
in the past few months to offer them
the opportunity to get in at your lower
•    Personal Meeting Follow-Up Email
Template: Don’t let those networking
events go to waste. Send a quick
follow-up email to stay connected, and
let them know how you can make their
life easier.
•    Request for Testimonial Email
Template: Testimonials are powerful
marketing pieces, so why is it so hard
to ask for them? This cut-and-paste
template makes it easy.
•    Referral Follow-Up Email Template:
Don’t wait for potential clients to
reach out to you. Be proactive with
this email template. 
Best of all, each template comes with
suggestions for use, and several of
them have multiple versions, so you can
use them in personal emails or in your

Get them today only for just $8.50 – no
promo code required. After today,
they’re gone forever, so don’t wait!


In case you missed this:
I have a request :Please make time to view thisfree webinar from my mentor,John Thornhill:

Product Creation Workshop

Please make time to watch this!

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