Internet Marketing – Cindy’s list …..-5

Cindy Bidar (US) is retiring all of her
existing courses and checklists. 

each deal is available only for 24 hours!

After midnight Eastern (US time),on the dates specified, 
the price will revert back to the
regular price.

I hope that you can find a bargain, or two! 

•    October 11: Everyday Sales Boosters
(video training) – Sale price $18.50

There’s an important marketing lesson
that some companies (I’m looking at
you, Comcast) seem to have forgotten: 
It’s less expensive to keep existing
customers happy than it is to find new

Not only that, but happy
customers spend more money.

You can spend a small fortune on better
search engine optimization, paid
traffic, and social media outreach, all
in an effort to find more customers.

But before you do that, make sure
you’ve got the systems in place to take
better care of the customers you
already have.

Make sure that you are
providing them with:
•    The necessary resources to take full
advantage of all the products and
services they’ve purchased.
•    A useful education based on your
unique experience and expertise (after
all, that’s why they bought from you in
the first place).
•    Exclusive deals on other products
they might be interested in (and not
just your products, either).

You’ll not only create much happier
customers, but you’ll also earn more on
every single sale.

In Everyday Sales Boosters, Cindy gives
you the inside scoop on putting this to
work in your business, with:
•    21 ideas for educating your
customers, establishing your place as
the go-to expert, and earning passive
income, too!
•    A 9-point continual improvement cheat
sheet (because savvy business owners
know that tracking, testing, and
tweaking is the real key to higher
•    5 insider strategies to entice your
buyers to act. Get this right, and you
can kiss “I have to think about it”
goodbye for good!
•    6 cross-sell ideas to help your
customers take full advantage of every
opportunity, and 5 places you’re
probably not offering enough.

Everyday Sales Boosters: Simple Systems
to Increase Your Average Sale is
available TODAY only for just $18.50
(no coupon required).

If boosting your
bottom line is on your to-do list,
before you spend time fishing for new
audiences, make sure you’ve optimized
your existing offers first. 
Everyday Sales Boosters is the plan you
need. Get it here before midnight.

October 12: Affiliate Marketing
Abundance (video training) – Sale price $18.50

Would it surprise you to learn that
most entrepreneurs (just like you) have
entire products created and sitting on
their hard drive, and that they’ve
never released out into the world?
It’s true. Maybe it’s something you do,
too. I totally get it.

It can be fun to create products based
on what you’re passionate about. And if
you’re a PLR buyer, it’s super easy and
fast, too!

What isn’t so fast (or fun, or easy) is
actually getting those products out to
your audience.
•    You have to write a sales page (and
figure out how to format it – because
that does matter and you probably can’t
do it with WordPress).
•    You have to figure out file storage
and delivery (and don’t even think
about storing downloadables on your own
•    You have to have a follow-up plan
(what emails will you send, and when?)
•    You have to create a customer service
protocol so you don’t have to re-invent
the wheel every time someone has a

The list of “have tos” can be kind of
overwhelming… and worse, you might
not even know what you don’t know.

Now imagine what it would mean to your
business if you could spy on the
marketing operations of 6- and 7-figure
online businesses so you can copy how
•    Write compelling sales copy that
connects with their readers and acts as
a profit magnet.
•    Choose the perfect platforms and
systems for product delivery so they
can have stress-free launches every
•    Deliver flawless customer service to
keep buyers happily returning again and
•    Store video, audio and other files
securely, without making it more
difficult for paying customers to gain
access when they need them.
•    Entice JV partners to share content
with a new audience, so their business
grows at exponential rates and everyone
earns great profits.
•    Easily add sophisticated tracking
systems to every sales funnels so they
can scale quickly when the time is
•    Make the best use of every product
delivery page, so they can maximize
their earnings every step of the way.

This is exactly what Cindy covers
inside Easy Product Launch Planning,
and TODAY ONLY, you can get it at 50%
off – no promo code required.

Don’t let those amazing products that
you enjoyed creating continue to sit
around and collect digital dust on your
hard drive.

Make a plan to get them out
to your audience.
If you don’t know
where to start, Easy Product Launch Planning will help.
In case you missed this:
I have a request :Please make time to view this

free webinar from my mentor,

John Thornhill:

Product Creation Workshop

Please make time to watch this!

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