Internet Marketing – Cindy’s list …..-6

Cindy Bidar (US) is retiring all of her
existing courses and checklists.

each deal is available only for 24 hours!

After midnight Eastern (US time),on the dates specified, 
the price will revert back to the
regular price.

I hope that you can find a bargain, or two! 

    October 12: Affiliate Marketing
Abundance (video training) – Sale price $18.50

  • October 12: Affiliate Marketing Abundance (video training) – Sale price $18.50

One of the biggest struggles we face as

small business owners is unpredictable

income. Some months are great, some are

not-so great, and some–if we’re being

honest–can be pretty bad.

That’s one of the reasons you’ll hear

so many people advising that you

cultivate multiple streams of income.

When you’re not dependent on a single

product or service to cover all your

living expenses, you’ll smooth out

those income ups and downs and have a

lot less stress, too.

One of my very favorite income streams

is affiliate marketing. It lets me earn

a nice chunk of money each and every

month, just for recommending the tools

and resources I use and that my

audience needs. Even better, I don’t

have to:

Create new products (no time for that!)

Manage customer support

Ship anything

Maintain a website or online store or

download area

It’s totally hands free, and it works

no matter what niche you’re in, and

I’ve snagged a deal for you that’s

going to help you add new income

streams to your business, too.

Cindy Bidar’s Affiliate Marketing

Abundance includes the training,

done-for-you systems, trackers and

checklists you need to successfully add

affiliate commissions to your income

every month.

Go here to get all the details and save

50% too!

Here’s what’s included in the training:

Affiliate Marketing Abundance (VIDEO):

This 20-minute video training &

transcript introduces you to affiliate

marketing, fully explains the techy

bits that seem so confusing, provides

best practice guidelines so you can

make the most of every offer, and

reveals the number one strategy all

successful affiliate marketers follow –

and you can, too!

Affiliate Marketing Systems Setup

(VIDEO): An easy-to-manage,

done-for-you system to help keep your

affiliate earnings increasing. In these

quick videos, you’ll learn the simple

steps you can take week after week to

organize and manage this new profit

stream, so you can continue to watch it


How to Add Value as an Affiliate

(CHECKLIST): Don’t just drop links

everywhere and expect people to buy.

Instead, use this 11-point checklist to

ensure you’re helping your audience

make an informed decision they’ll be

happy with down the road. When you get

this right, they’ll turn to you again

and again for your recommendations.

How to Market With Class & Integrity

(CHECKLIST): If affiliate marketing

sounds sketchy to you, it’s likely

because you’ve seen it done badly.

Follow this “dos and don’ts” guide to

build a trustworthy brand your

followers will respect (and happily buy

from), and that sellers can trust as


Adding Bonuses to Boost Affiliate Sales

(CHECKLIST): When audiences overlap,

competition can be tough. Adding

bonuses is a great way to create more

value for your audience and encourage

clicks. Use this 13-point checklist to

generate ideas for your next big

affiliate promotion.

System Foundations & Best Practices

(CHECKLIST): Affiliate marketing is

easy to get started with, but there are

some legal and technical setups you

need to know before you begin. Use this

quick checklist to make sure you have a

solid foundation in place and avoid any

pitfalls down the road.

Choosing Great Resources (CHECKLIST):

The most profitable affiliate marketers

have a small stable of trusted programs

they promote again and again to build a

consistent income. But how can you know

which products are a good fit? Use this

16-point checklist to ensure every

offer you make is not only profitable,

but valuable to your subscribers, too.

Creating a User-Friendly Resource Page

(CHECKLIST): When it comes to true

passive income, your “Resources” page

is the king. You can literally set it

and forget it. Follow these 12 steps to

create (and promote) a profitable page

your audience will find truly useful.

Where to Find Products and Programs to

Promote (CHECKLIST): Not sure where to

find good (and profitable) offers for

your audience? Start with these 9 ideas

(including one most new affiliate

marketers actively avoid… and why

they’re wrong to do so!)

Where to Promote Affiliate Offers

(CHECKLIST): Get 26 ideas for sharing

affiliate links with your audience,

with strategies for both evergreen and

time-sensitive promotions.

How to Use FAQs to Promote Affiliate

Offers (TEMPLATE): Turn objections into

opportunities and features into

benefits when you answer your

subscribers’ most frequently asked

questions. Follow this checklist

whether you’re promoting by email, in

your blog, on social media, or even in

paid advertising.

How to Request a Review Copy

(TEMPLATE): The fastest way to lose

your audience’s trust is to promote a

bad product. Use this template to

request a review copy before you add a

new product to your promotions


Whether your business is freelancing &

service work, product creation,

physical products (even

brick-and-mortar shops), blogging,

coaching, or professional services, if

you have an audience, you can — and

should — add affiliate marketing into

your income mix.

Affiliate Marketing Abundance will show

you how, and TODAY ONLY you can get it

for just $18.50 (no promo code

required). Go here to grab this

training, and start finding that free                      money in your PayPal account, too.
Grab it now!Affiliate Marketing
Abundance (video training) – Sale price $18.50

•    October 13: Easy Product Launch
Planning (checklists & templates) –
Sale price $18.50

Would it surprise you to learn that
most entrepreneurs (just like you) have
entire products created and sitting on
their hard drive, and that they’ve
never released out into the world?
It’s true. Maybe it’s something you do,
too. I totally get it.
It can be fun to create products based
on what you’re passionate about. And if
you’re a PLR buyer, it’s super easy and
fast, too!
What isn’t so fast (or fun, or easy) is
actually getting those products out to
your audience.
•    You have to write a sales page (and
figure out how to format it – because
that does matter and you probably can’t
do it with WordPress).
•    You have to figure out file storage
and delivery (and don’t even think
about storing downloadables on your own
•    You have to have a follow-up plan
(what emails will you send, and when?)
•    You have to create a customer service
protocol so you don’t have to re-invent
the wheel every time someone has a
The list of “have tos” can be kind of
overwhelming… and worse, you might
not even know what you don’t know.
Now imagine what it would mean to your
business if you could spy on the
marketing operations of 6- and 7-figure
online businesses so you can copy how
•    Write compelling sales copy that
connects with their readers and acts as
a profit magnet.
•    Choose the perfect platforms and
systems for product delivery so they
can have stress-free launches every
•    Deliver flawless customer service to
keep buyers happily returning again and
•    Store video, audio and other files
securely, without making it more
difficult for paying customers to gain
access when they need them.
•    Entice JV partners to share content
with a new audience, so their business
grows at exponential rates and everyone
earns great profits.
•    Easily add sophisticated tracking
systems to every sales funnels so they
can scale quickly when the time is
•    Make the best use of every product
delivery page, so they can maximize
their earnings every step of the way.
This is exactly what Cindy covers
inside Easy Product Launch Planning,
and TODAY ONLY, you can get it at 50%
off – no promo code required.
Don’t let those amazing products that
you enjoyed creating continue to sit
around and collect digital dust on your
hard drive.

Make a plan to get them out
to your audience. If you don’t know
where to start, Easy Product Launch
Planning will help.  
•    Would it surprise you to learn that
most entrepreneurs (just like you) have
entire products created and sitting on
their hard drive, and that they’ve
never released out into the world?
It’s true. Maybe it’s something you do,

It can be fun to create products based
on what you’re passionate about. And if
you’re a PLR buyer, it’s super easy and
fast, too!
What isn’t so fast (or fun, or easy) is
actually getting those products out to
your audience.
•    You have to write a sales page (and
figure out how to format it – because
that does matter and you probably can’t
do it with WordPress).
•    You have to figure out file storage
and delivery (and don’t even think
about storing downloadables on your own
•    You have to have a follow-up plan
(what emails will you send, and when?)
•    You have to create a customer service
protocol so you don’t have to re-invent
the wheel every time someone has a

The list of “have tos” can be kind of
overwhelming… and worse, you might
not even know what you don’t know.
Now imagine what it would mean to your
business if you could spy on the
marketing operations of 6- and 7-figure
online businesses so you can copy how
•    Write compelling sales copy that
connects with their readers and acts as
a profit magnet.
•    Choose the perfect platforms and
systems for product delivery so they
can have stress-free launches every
•    Deliver flawless customer service to
keep buyers happily returning again and
•    Store video, audio and other files
securely, without making it more
difficult for paying customers to gain
access when they need them.
•    Entice JV partners to share content
with a new audience, so their business
grows at exponential rates and everyone
earns great profits.
•    Easily add sophisticated tracking
systems to every sales funnels so they
can scale quickly when the time is
•    Make the best use of every product
delivery page, so they can maximize
their earnings every step of the way.
This is exactly what Cindy covers
inside Easy Product Launch Planning,
and TODAY ONLY, you can get it at 50%
off – no promo code required.
Don’t let those amazing products that
you enjoyed creating continue to sit
around and collect digital dust on your
hard drive.
Make a plan to get them out
to your audience. If you don’t know
where to start
, Easy Product Launch
Planning will help.  

Easy Product Launch
Planning (checklists & templates) –
Sale price $18.50

In case you missed this:
I have a request :

Please make time to view this

free webinar from my mentor,

John Thornhill:

Product Creation Workshop

Please make time to watch this!

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