Internet Marketing – Cindy’s list …..-7

Cindy Bidar (US) is retiring all of her
existing courses and checklists. 

each deal is available only for 24 hours!

After midnight Eastern (US time),on the dates specified, 
the price will revert back to the
regular price.

I hope that you can find a bargain, or two! 

•    October 13: Easy Product Launch
Planning (checklists & templates) –
Sale price $18.50

Would it surprise you to learn that
most entrepreneurs (just like you) have
entire products created and sitting on
their hard drive, and that they’ve
never released out into the world?
It’s true. Maybe it’s something you do,
too. I totally get it.

It can be fun to create products based
on what you’re passionate about. And if
you’re a PLR buyer, it’s super easy and
fast, too!

What isn’t so fast (or fun, or easy) is
actually getting those products out to
your audience.
•    You have to write a sales page (and
figure out how to format it – because
that does matter and you probably can’t
do it with WordPress).
•    You have to figure out file storage
and delivery (and don’t even think
about storing downloadables on your own
•    You have to have a follow-up plan
(what emails will you send, and when?)
•    You have to create a customer service
protocol so you don’t have to re-invent
the wheel every time someone has a

The list of “have tos” can be kind of
overwhelming… and worse, you might
not even know what you don’t know.

Now imagine what it would mean to your
business if you could spy on the
marketing operations of 6- and 7-figure
online businesses so you can copy how
•    Write compelling sales copy that
connects with their readers and acts as
a profit magnet.
•    Choose the perfect platforms and
systems for product delivery so they
can have stress-free launches every
•    Deliver flawless customer service to
keep buyers happily returning again and
•    Store video, audio and other files
securely, without making it more
difficult for paying customers to gain
access when they need them.
•    Entice JV partners to share content
with a new audience, so their business
grows at exponential rates and everyone
earns great profits.
•    Easily add sophisticated tracking
systems to every sales funnels so they
can scale quickly when the time is
•    Make the best use of every product
delivery page, so they can maximize
their earnings every step of the way.

This is exactly what Cindy covers
inside Easy Product Launch Planning,
and TODAY ONLY, you can get it at 50%
off – no promo code required.

Don’t let those amazing products that
you enjoyed creating continue to sit
around and collect digital dust on your
hard drive.

Make a plan to get them out
to your audience. If you don’t know
where to start, Easy Product Launch
Planning will help.  
•    Would it surprise you to learn that
most entrepreneurs (just like you) have
entire products created and sitting on
their hard drive, and that they’ve
never released out into the world?
It’s true. Maybe it’s something you do,
It can be fun to create products based
on what you’re passionate about. And if
you’re a PLR buyer, it’s super easy and
fast, too!
What isn’t so fast (or fun, or easy) is
actually getting those products out to
your audience.
•    You have to write a sales page (and
figure out how to format it – because
that does matter and you probably can’t
do it with WordPress).
•    You have to figure out file storage
and delivery (and don’t even think
about storing downloadables on your own
•    You have to have a follow-up plan
(what emails will you send, and when?)
•    You have to create a customer service
protocol so you don’t have to re-invent
the wheel every time someone has a
The list of “have tos” can be kind of
overwhelming… and worse, you might
not even know what you don’t know.
Now imagine what it would mean to your
business if you could spy on the
marketing operations of 6- and 7-figure
online businesses so you can copy how
•    Write compelling sales copy that
connects with their readers and acts as
a profit magnet.
•    Choose the perfect platforms and
systems for product delivery so they
can have stress-free launches every
•    Deliver flawless customer service to
keep buyers happily returning again and
•    Store video, audio and other files
securely, without making it more
difficult for paying customers to gain
access when they need them.
•    Entice JV partners to share content
with a new audience, so their business
grows at exponential rates and everyone
earns great profits.
•    Easily add sophisticated tracking
systems to every sales funnels so they
can scale quickly when the time is
•    Make the best use of every product
delivery page, so they can maximize
their earnings every step of the way.
This is exactly what Cindy covers
inside Easy Product Launch Planning,
and TODAY ONLY, you can get it at 50%
off – no promo code required.
Don’t let those amazing products that
you enjoyed creating continue to sit
around and collect digital dust on your
hard drive.
Make a plan to get them out
to your audience. If you don’t know
where to start
, Easy Product Launch
Planning will help.  

Easy Product Launch
Planning (checklists & templates) –
Sale price $18.50

October 14: Webinars for the Rest of
Us (checklists) – Sale price $13.50

Have you ever hosted a webinar?

They can be very intimidating. 
Not only are you live (even if you’re
not on camera) – which can be pretty
intimidating – but there’s also a ton
of moving pieces to keep track of. You
have to:
•    Set up the funnel with an opt-in and
a thank you page and somehow get the
access details to those who sign up.•    

Create the event itself inside your
webinar platform.
•    Create the replay page and the follow
up emails that give your subscribers
that link. 
•    Craft emails that will encourage
people to actually show up live
(because let’s face it, few people will
watch the replay). 

And we haven’t even talked about
creating the slide deck, and what to
include on that, and which tools to
use, and so much more. 
It’s all pretty overwhelming – unless
you have a plan to follow. 

Inside Webinars for the Rest of Us,
Cindy Bidar is sharing her step-by-step
webinar setup (the same one she’s used
hundreds of times for her own business
and her clients) that’s going to make
it easy for you to go from “I want to
host a webinar” to “my webinar was a
massive success!”

Go here to get the complete training
and save 50% (today only) too!
Here’s what’s included inside Webinars
for the Rest of Us
•    1 PowerPoint webinar template to make
      creating your presentation fast, easy,
     and stress-free
•    3 email invitation templates to fill
     your virtual seats with eager attendees•    

4 email reminder templates to keep
     the excitement high
•    7 systems checklists to make setting
     up all the bits and pieces quick and
•    3 planning worksheets to help you get
     the best results from all your webinars
   PLUS – she’s even including video
training and done-for-you Trello boards
to make planning and hosting your first
(or next) webinar a BREEZE. 

•    But it’s only available today, so if
webinars are on your to-do list, be
sure to grab this training while you
still can.

Go here to add Webinars for
the Rest of Us to your marketing
library for just $13.50 (no promo code

Webinars for the Rest of
Us (checklists) – Sale price $13.50

In case you missed this:
I have a request :Please make time to view this

free webinar from my mentor,

John Thornhill:

Product Creation Workshop

Please make time to watch this!

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