Internet Marketing -cloud accounting means you have to change the way you price -1

Mark Wickersham (UK):
The Value Pricing System
There’s a big change taking place in
the accounting profession currently.

Actually make that a huge change.

It’s the concept of cloud accounting.

It’s fundamentally changing everything
about our business. It changes how we
interact with our clients.

It’s making us more collaborative.

And it means we
have to change as a result.

Why we need to change

We have to change our pricing models. 
We absolutely have to.  If we don’t
there’s only one likely outcome.

We’ll become extinct.

What to know why?  Well in 1988 I was a
Chartered Accountant.  Computers
weren’t prevalent.
Indeed, in the firm

I worked in when they did come it was
only the partners who had them.

No-one else had access. 
And so, when it came to annual accounts
back then a word processing department
would create them.  

The accounts and
trial balance would all be done manually.  

Then someone would Tipp-Ex
out the last year’s numbers on a
photocopied set of the previous

Someone else would then
write the comparatives in and then put
in the new numbers.  

And then they
would go off to the word processing
department to be word-processed.

For some of you that will seem
incredible but that’s how it was done.
When I first started one of my main
jobs was ‘calling out’.  

This was me
and another junior colleague comparing
that photocopied, Tipp-Exed version of
the accounts with the final word
processed version.  

It was a long, arduous process.

In the UK, small limited companies
usually quality for abbreviated
financial statements – meaning that
companies can file on public record
much briefer accounts.  

But creating
those was even more time consuming in
1988 and so there was a separate amount
on the bill for preparing that statement.

Fast forward twenty years or so and
accounts production software means that
abbreviated accounts are simple.  

They are produced by the touch of a button
on a computer.  They take no time

They are a by-product. 
And so, in the last ten or fifteen
years or so people have started giving
them away for free.

But some things never change…..
To be continued

Those links again:
The Value Pricing System
Effective Pricing for Accountants (book)
The Power of Price Psychology

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