Internet Marketing – Content Creation Masterclass-3

How To Write 52 Blogs Fast
Content Marketing 

Mark Wickersham (UK):
The Value Pricing System

If you want to grow your firm, and if
you want to narrow down your niche by
specialising, then one of the best ways
to attract new clients is content

You need to be creating content and
putting it out there for clients to see
to build up your positioning, build a
reputation as the expert and win new

I have some help…Once the videos

are done, they’ll go on
YouTube, but we also get a
transcription made and my team turns
that into a blog (that’s what you’re
reading right now).

It’s my words, and my knowledge, but my
team will take the main points and the
best bits and turn it into a short blog
(we aim for around 500 words).

We have a whole system set up.

The blog
gets made, then someone will write a
bunch of social media promotions for
Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and

To be continued..
ps Readers, like you, enjoyed a new

FREE webinar from my mentor,

John Thornhill for his high-profit program:
One Big Thing Promoting Ambassador Program:

Please make time to watch this!
John Thornhill:

My latest webinar is making waves
and here’s the reasons why you should
watch it:

1. My Webinar Covers A Hot
‘Never Seen Before’ Business

I haven’t seen anyone teaching what
I teach while providing the
ultimate shortcut in the product
creation niche, and because of
this, the content is fresh and is
getting extremely well received.

2. I Have Over 15 Years of
Experience in This Area.
This is not some quick training
program I have created, this is a
step by step system that gets real
3. Insanely Low Refund Rate.

My customers love this product and
so far the refund rate is under 1%
from over 500 sales. ClickBank have
also approved me for zero refunds.

4.Remember, this is the biggest thing
I have ever done and is proving to
be a huge success.
Don’t wait – click here: 

One Big Thing Promoting Ambassador Program:

Please make time to watch this!

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