Internet Marketing – EXACTLY What Your Clients Want – 2

4 Magic & Foolproof Ways To Find out
EXACTLY What Your Clients Want (And Are
Willing To Pay For)

Bill Baren (US)
I want to show you the
first essential step you need to take:

Find out the #1 thing your client

Method #2: Interview people in your

The best way to understand the needs of
your target audience is to ASK clients
or potential clients.
Sometimes you’ll be shocked to find out
what they really care about!
IMPORTANT: A big mistake many business
owners make is to assume they know
their clients’ needs – with your
expertise, you can sometimes overlook
the basic concerns of “ordinary”
How to Interview Members of Your
1. Choose 6 people from your target
audience (clients or prospective
clients) and set up a time for an
interview (or a free initial
Ask them if they’d be
willing to help you out for 15-20
minutes. It takes no more than 15-20
minutes to conduct the interview, so it
should be relatively easy for them to
say yes.
You can let them know that
you’re doing research to better serve
people like them and their opinion
really matters to you. People love to
2. During the interview, it’s important
to ask the right type of questions,
ones that dig deep. (See examples below
Ask questions and then just listen.
3. Be sure to write down their specific
words that relate to problems, pain,
and emotions. You’ll want to use the
exact language of ordinary people in
your marketing.
Do not rephrase their
words into the technical jargon of your
field, it will resonate less than the
language your audience uses. When
you’ve discovered most pressing
problems of your audience, this will be
a catalyst for your business to grow.
Because now you can go out into the
world and offer your audience a
specific solution to their most urgent
problems (instead of what YOU think
they want)!
The Interview Questions
*What’s your biggest fear or
frustration in your life right now
related to ___________ (the problem
area you work with, such as health)?
*What worries you?
*What about this area keeps you up at
*What are your biggest challenges?
*What would you like to change / make
*What’s the biggest result you want to
have in this area?
*What would help you achieve this
*How much time would you invest into
getting to this result?
*How much money would you being willing
to invest into that result?
*What would you like to learn more
about in this area?
*Who do you consider to be an expert or
authority in this area?
First, you’ll want to tailor these
questions to apply to the area you work
in.  Listen for words that have emotion
or passion behind them, and write them
The important thing to remember is that
you want to write down exactly what
these people tell you.  
The more
tangible and specific, the better.  You
can then use the exact words in your
marketing and your offerings.
Your Next Step
Arrange interviews with 5 people in
your tribe.
And a really cool bonus – I’ve had many
clients tell me that they’ve had people
that they’ve interviewed actually sign
up for their services!

To be continued…

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