Internet Marketing – EXACTLY What Your Clients Want -3

4 Magic & Foolproof Ways To Find out
EXACTLY What Your Clients Want (And Are
Willing To Pay For)

Bill Baren (US)
I want to show you the
first essential step you need to take:

Find out the #1 thing your client

Method #3 Tap Into A Wealth Of
Expertise On Amazon

Amazon is a hidden source for a wealth
of information about your ideal

And it doesn’t have to cost
you a dime to get all of the knowledge
you need.

A step by step example of how to use
Amazon to discover your client’s #1

Let’s say you’re an executive coach,
and you work with managers and
employees of large companies.

1. Go to and type “executive
coaching” into the search box.

2. Then click on “Books” in the column
on the left. This will narrow your
search to just books.

3. Browse the top 3-5 top selling books
and notice what topics the authors are

You can take a look at both
the book description and the table
contents (by clicking “Look Inside” for
a given book).

For example, I came a across a book
called “Be Your Own Executive Coach”,
and here are the problems it solves:
– Master High Impact Communications
– Dealing With Difficult People
– Improving Your Personal Image
– Learning How to Listen
– Solving Business Problems Creatively

These all seem like really pressing
problems and goals that a company
manager or employee would have to deal

In browsing several of the books on
executive coaching, I noticed that the
topics of managing people and dealing
with difficult people were very common.

As a result of this research, you might
create a seminar or workshop for your
audience called “Learn How To Deal With
Difficult People (And Be A More
Effective People Manager)”

4. Perusing the comments of the
bestsellers, you can get a real sense
from paying customers what they value
most about the material.  This
information is golden for you.  

This is
the point where you will want to take
some great notes about what it is they
are saying they gained from reading the

The best part of this method is that
you don’t have to start with a blank
piece of paper when you’re creating a
new seminar, service package, etc.

You can tap into other people’s expertise
and use that as a starting point for
your own brainstorming.

When you see key problems or outcomes
being mentioned over and over in book
descriptions, table of content, and
reviews, then this is a form of
validation that these are topics people
want to pay to learn more about.

To be continued…

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