Internet Marketing – Generate Traffic Using Facebook

Garry Desmarais (Canada):
‘Social networking sites like Facebook
are great platforms to not
only find your old friends and make new
ones, but also to use for
generating traffic to any website or
You have to create a Facebook profile
for your business and add a
link to your site or blog with a brief
introduction to generate
traffic to your site or blog.
Make it a point to add new people as
your Facebook friends
everyday as the more friends you have,
the more people your
profile is shared with.
The more people who see your website or
blog link on your Facebook profile,
the more traffic and
potential sales it generates.
Start a group related to your business
and invite your friends to
join your group so that you can prove
to your friends that you
are an expert in your industry and use
this avenue for generating
more sales for your business.
Join groups related to your business,
and have your friends join
them so that you can share your views
on your industry, prove
your expertise at your work and thus
experience more sales.
By creating a Facebook page, it gets
indexed by search engines so
that it can be accessed even by people
who are not on Facebook.
Organize an event based on or related
to your business and use
Facebook to promote it by inviting all
your Facebook friends and
thus increase your website traffic.
Facebook has a provision where you can
advertise either a Facebook page
or your website on the
site and have more visitors
to your site.
You can use the Facebook marketplace to
sell your products and
services and thus have more visitors to
your site.
With the help of these tips and the
social networking site
Facebook, you will soon see a marked
increase in your website
Social media has been limited ro
LinkedIn for me and now
access has been blocked in Russia, I
manage without it.
I post these recommendations as they
clearly work for many who have
the time and motivation to use
Facebook.For me, that lies ahead.
If you missed it:
From my mentor, John Thornhill:
check John Thornhill’s webinar:
Grab the benefits
How I Hit $1 Million on JVZoo
Here’s the link you need.
Here is a page of information
about John Thornhill’s
invite-only webinar
and the link to watch it.

and watch the webinar

Silvia at IFRSbox.
If you are in finance and not on her
FREE list (WHY NOT?):

Michael Cheney!

‘Do NOT buy 7-Figure Franchise…
(Is he retreating? Tactical move?)
Yes I said do NOT buy it;
Do NOT buy 7-Figure Franchise if you’re
the sort of person who likes to
re-invent things for the sake of it.
Do NOT buy 7-Figure Franchise if you
can’t follow simple instructions and
steps (which make you money fast by the
Do NOT buy 7-Figure Franchise if you’re
not serious about building a
money-making business online.
Do NOT buy 7-Figure Franchise if you’re
looking to make an extra $500 a month
This will make you an extra $500
per WEEK if you copy and paste it in
the right way (guide and direct access
to me inside)
Still here?
Grab it here now;’
Michael Cheney‘s 7-Figure Franchise 
(The Complete Michey Cheney!)
Jump start your IM business with the
complete works of
a leading UK internet marketer
with a global reputation:
This is the best compilation of his
work and the only external course
material John Thornhill endorses on
his excellent Partnership To Success
program (on which I am privileged
to be a student).
It will make you serious money.
Check it out here: 7-Figure Franchise
Click here:
Please have a look at my bonuses,
which I have sourced to complement
Michael’s top product.
He gives you all his tools that support
his $million IM business.
You can use them to kickstart and
build you business, even if you are
just starting. Full training is given.
7-Figure Franchise + my bonuses
Click here:
Are you serious about IM?
Please have a look at 
the following webinars to see the experts:
If you want a low-cost start to IM,
this is the place to start:
Devon Brown runs the Web Copy Cat
‘done-for-you’ service that you can
join for $1, though you have to
contribute the traffic.
Web Copy Cat
Click here NOW:
Dean Holland
This free video gives you the chance to
learn from the master.
Click here
John Thornhill’s
Product Creation Workshop
Click here:

is a recording of the complete building
of products from nothing over
eight one-hour videos .
It complements his longer one-year
course, adding more than enough
value for me to buy both courses
It is currently at 90% discount.
I have assembled a $1,750 bonus
package for you if you buy 
View John Thornhill’s
4 FREE videos, one every two days,
by signing into my pop-up @  

My guest post on 3 top IM blogs: 

Scams and Limited Markets

John Thornhill, Dave Nicholson and 
Michael Cheney:
Please ask your friends to sign up for
this letter at
Thank you.

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