Internet Marketing- How To Avoid The Tyre-Kickers and PITA Clients -3

Mark Wickersham:The Value Pricing System

Do you ever go out to meet a new
potential client and during the meeting
you start to realise they are just a
tyre-kicker, they just want the
cheapest – those clients are a pain.

My American students call them PITA
clients (see if you can work out what
that stands for).

When I started my accounting firm back
in 1996, probably about half the
meetings I went to were a waste of my

Our time is precious. Not Every Client
Is a Good Client. So, how do we deal
with these time wasters?

I’m going to share with you

3 strategies for avoiding tyre-kickers
and PITA clients…

#3 – Pre-Qualification Meeting

Rather than diving straight into a full
meeting with a prospect, you could have
a quick online pre-qualification

Having a full meeting can be time
consuming. The meeting itself could be
a couple of hours, and you might have
to travel as well. It takes a big chunk
out of your day.

Before you commit to that lengthy
meeting, if you aren’t totally
convinced by their customer intake form
response, have a quick 15-30 minute
call online through Zoom, Skype or

You can learn a bit more about the
client in this short meeting and decide
whether you do want to actually meet
with them properly to go into more

If they’re not the right fit, you can
politely decline them at this point and
save yourself a whole lot of time.

The Value Pricing System

ps John Thornhill’s new 

Ambassador Program is still available:

Please make time to watch this!

pps Readers, like you, grabbed

a FREE* copy of Dean Holland‘s

The Iceberg Effect

*(just pay postage) Now it’s your turn!

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